Dr Antranig Basman
Antranig Basman is director of Lucendo Development Ltd.,
which specialises in sustainable, open source development for the academic
sector, with a particular interest in search, display, and durable repository
Antranig's original training was in Mathematics, but he has since branched out into biotechnological applications of software engineering (a director of Choracle Ltd.), (Bayesian) statistical inference and machine intelligence systems (his PhD is in Information Engineering from the University of Cambridge Engineering Department), but a particular recent interest is in modern software engineering practices and dependency management as currently most popularly represented by the Spring Framework, as well as presentation technologies.
He is the designer and architect for
RSF, a highly innovative and
minimal open source Java web presentation framework, which has been used to
develop Darwin Online. RSF emphasises a "back to basics" approach to web fundamentals,
with idiomatic support for URL structures and HTML markup and primitives. This is in contrast
to the great majority of current Java web frameworks which are increasingly focused on
"heavy component" models, whereby the web is treated as a transport layer for
persistent-component and event-driven architectures much like those typically seen in
desktop GUI applications.
Technical Documentation for Darwin Online