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any in the classification of animals; 1859 1860 1861 1866
all; 1869 1872

true, though its importance has sometimes been exaggerated. 1866
true. 1859 1860 1861 1869 1872

Thus 1866
Nevertheless, their importance has sometimes been exaggerated, owing to the adaptive characters of larvæ not having been excluded; in order to show this, 1872

the 1866
by the aid of such characters alone the 1872

in accordance with their embryological differences, for the sake of showing that such an arrangement is not 1866
and the arrangement did not prove 1872

The general fact of the importance of embryological characters holds good with flowering plants, of which the two main divisions have been founded on differences in the embryo,— on the number and position of the cotyledons, and on the mode of development of the plumule and radicle. 1866
The same fact holds good with flowering plants, of which the two main divisions have been founded on characters derived from the embryo,— on the number and position of the em- bryonic leaves or cotyledons, and on the mode of development of the plumule and radicle. 1859 1860 1861
Nevertheless their importance has sometimes been exaggerated; in order to show this, Fritz Müller arranged by the aid of such characters the great class of crustaceans, and the arrangement did not prove a natural one. 1869

3 blocks not present in 1859 1860 1861 1866; present in 1869 1872
But there can be no doubt that characters derived from the embryo are generally of the highest value, not only with animals but with plants. Thus the two main divisions of flowering plants are founded on differences in the embryo,— on the number and position of the cotyledons, and on the mode of development of the plumule and radicle. We shall immediately see why these characters possess so high a value in classification, namely, from the natural system being genealogical in its arrangement.

in the case of crustaceans, 1859 1860 1861 1866 1869
with crustaceans, any 1872

allied genera, namely Cypris and Cytherea, there is no such organ; one species of Cypridina has well-developed branchiæ, whilst another species is destitute of them.
We can see why characters derived from the embryo should be of equal importance with those derived from the adult, for
a natural
of course
But it is by no means obvious, on the ordinary view, why the structure of the embryo should be more important for this purpose than that of the adult, which alone plays its full part in the economy of nature. Yet it has been strongly urged by those great naturalists, Milne Edwards and Agassiz, that
characters are the most important of any in the classification of animals; and this doctrine has very generally been admitted as true, though its importance has sometimes been exaggerated. Thus Fritz
arranged the great class of
in accordance with their embryological differences, for the sake of showing that such an arrangement is not a natural one. The general fact of the importance of embryological characters holds good with flowering plants, of which the two main divisions have been founded on differences in the embryo,— on the number and position of the cotyledons, and on the mode of development of the plumule and radicle. In our discussion on embryology, we shall see why such characters are so valuable, on the view of classification tacitly including the idea of descent.
Our classifications are often plainly influenced by chains of affinities. Nothing can be easier than to define a number of characters common to all birds; but in the case of crustaceans, such definition has hitherto been found impossible. There are crustaceans at the opposite ends of the series, which have hardly a character in common; yet the species at both ends,