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any country which they inhabited. 1869 1872
their native countries. 1859 1860 1861 1866

in England by 1866 1869 1872
by 1859 1860 1861

advanced, as proving that acclimatisation cannot be effected, 1872
advanced— 1859 1860 1861
advanced — 1866 1869

was! 1872
was— as proving that acclimatisation cannot be effected! 1859 1860 1861
was — as proving that acclimatisation cannot be effected! 1866 1869

are 1872
appeared to be 1859 1860 1861
were 1866 1869

others; and of this fact I have myself observed striking instances. 1869 1872
others. 1859 1860 1861
others; and of this fact I have myself observed a striking instance. 1866

structure; 1872
of the structure of various organs; 1859 1860 1861 1866 1869

OMIT 1872
of use and disuse 1859 1860 1861 1866 1869

Variation . 1869 1872
of Growth .— 1859 1860 1861
of Growth . 1866

modified. 1859 1861 1866 1869 1872
modified. This is a very important subject, most imperfectly understood. 1860

This is a very important subject, most imperfectly understood, and no doubt wholly different classes of facts may be here easily confounded together. 1872
This is a very important subject, most imperfectly understood. 1859 1861
The most obvious case is, that modifications accumulated solely for the good of the young or larva, will, it may safely be concluded, affect the structure of the adult; in the same manner as any malconformation affecting the early embryo, seriously affects the whole organisation of the adult. 1860
This is a very important subject, most imperfectly understood, and no doubt totally different classes of facts may be here easily confounded together: we shall presently see that simple inheritance often gives the false appearance of correlation. 1866 1869

One of the 1872
The 1859 1860 1861 1866 1869

most obvious real cases is, that variations of structure arising in 1872
most obvious case is, that modifications accumulated solely for the good of 1859 1861
several parts of 1860
most obvious instance of real correlation is, that variations of structure arising in 1866 1869

young or larvæ naturally tend to affect the structure of the mature animal. 1872
young or larva, will, it may safely be concluded, affect the structure of the adult; in the same manner as any malconformation affecting the early embryo, seriously affects the whole organisation of the adult. 1859 1861
body which are homologous, and which, at an early embryonic period, are alike, seem liable to vary in an allied manner: we see this in the right and left sides of the body varying in the same manner; in the front and hind legs, and even in the jaws and limbs, varying together, for the lower jaw is believed to be homologous with the limbs. 1860
young or in the larvæ naturally tend to affect the structure of the mature animal; in the same manner as any malconformation in the early embryo is known seriously to affect the whole organisation of the adult. 1866 1869

identical in structure, and which are neces- sarily exposed to similar conditions, seem eminently 1872
alike, seem 1859 1861
identical in structure, and which are necessarily exposed to similar conditions, seem eminently 1866 1869

selec- tion
will continually
would inevitably
tend to preserve those individuals which
born with constitutions best adapted to any country which they inhabited. In treatises on many kinds of cultivated plants, certain varieties are said to withstand certain climates better than
this is
strikingly shown in works on
fruit trees
published in the United States, in which certain varieties are habitually recommended for the
and others for the southern
and as most of these varieties are of recent origin, they cannot owe their constitutional differences to habit. The case of the Jerusalem artichoke, which is never propagated in England by seed, and of which consequently new varieties have not been produced, has even been advanced, as proving that acclimatisation cannot be effected, for it is now as tender as ever it was! The
also, of the kidney-bean has been often cited for a similar purpose, and with much greater weight; but until some one will sow, during a score of generations, his kidney-beans so early that a very large proportion
I are
destroyed by frost, and then collect seed from the few survivors, with care to prevent accidental crosses, and then again get seed from these seedlings, with the same precautions, the experiment cannot be said to have been
tried. Nor let it be supposed that
differences in the constitution of seedling kidney-beans
appear, for an account has been published how much more hardy some seedlings are than others; and of this fact I have myself observed striking instances.
On the whole,
I think
we may conclude that habit,
or use
and disuse, have, in some cases, played a considerable part in the modification of the
and structure; but that the effects OMIT have often been largely combined with, and sometimes overmastered
the natural selection of innate
Variation .
I mean by this expression that the whole organisation is so tied together during its growth and development, that when slight variations in any one part occur, and are accumulated through natural selection, other parts become modified. This is a very important subject, most imperfectly understood, and no doubt wholly different classes of facts may be here easily confounded together. We shall presently see that simple inheritance often gives the false appearance of correlation. One of the most obvious real cases is, that variations of structure arising in the young or larvæ naturally tend to affect the structure of the mature animal. The several parts of the body which are homologous, and which, at an early embryonic period, are identical in structure, and which are neces- sarily exposed to similar conditions, seem eminently liable to vary in
an allied
a like