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migration. 1859 1861 1866 1869 1872
migration. In the coral-producing oceans such sunken islands are now marked, as I believe, by rings of coral or atolls standing over them. 1860

In the coral-producing oceans such sunken islands are now marked 1861 1866 1869 1872
In the coral-producing oceans such sunken islands are now marked, 1859
Whenever it is fully admitted, 1860

OMIT 1861 1866 1869 1872
as I believe, 1859
as I believe 1860

by rings of coral or atolls standing over them. 1859 1861 1866 1869 1872
it will some day be, that each species has proceeded from a single birthplace, and when in the course of time we know something definite about the means of distribution, we shall be enabled to speculate with security on the former extension of the land. 1860

most of our continents which now stand 1869 1872
continents which are now 1859 1860 1861 1866

affinity 1866 1869 1872
relation (as we shall hereafter see) 1859 1860 1861

mammals inhabiting islands with those 1866 1869 1872
distribution of mammals and the depth 1859 1860 1861

nearest continent, being in part determined (as we shall hereafter see) by the depth of the intervening ocean,— 1866 1869 1872
sea,— 1859 1860 1861

are 1872
seem to me 1859 1860 1861 1866 1869

are likewise 1872
likewise seem to me 1859 1860 1861 1866 1869

of such islands favour 1866 1869 1872
favour 1859 1860 1861

continental mountain-ranges, some at least of the islands would have been formed, like other 1869 1872
mountain-ranges on the land, some at least of the islands would have been formed, like other 1859 1860 1861
OMIT 1866

distribution. I shall here confine myself to plants. 1872
distribution. 1859 1860 1861 1866 1869

1 blocks not present in 1872; present in 1859 1860 1861 1866 1869
I shall here confine myself to plants.

the greater or less facilities for transport across the sea 1872
for transport across the sea, the greater or less facilities 1859 1860 1861 1866 1869

for plants and for many animals during their migration. In the coral-producing oceans such sunken islands are now marked OMIT by rings of coral or atolls standing over them. Whenever it is fully admitted, as
I believe
no doubt
it will some day be, that each species has proceeded from a single birthplace, and when in the course of time we know something definite about the means of distribution, we shall be enabled to speculate with security on the former extension of the land. But I do not believe that it will ever be proved that within the recent period most of our continents which now stand quite separate, have been continuously, or almost
united with each other, and with the many existing oceanic islands. Several facts in distribution,— such as the great difference in the marine faunas on the opposite sides of almost every continent,— the close relation of the tertiary inhabitants of several lands and even seas to their present inhabitants,—
a certain
degree of affinity between the mammals inhabiting islands with those of the nearest continent, being in part determined (as we shall hereafter see) by the depth of the intervening ocean,— these and other such facts are opposed to the admission of such prodigious geographical revolutions within the recent period, as are
on the view advanced by Forbes and admitted by his
followers. The nature and relative proportions of the inhabitants of oceanic islands are likewise opposed to the belief of their former continuity with continents. Nor does
almost universally volcanic composition of such islands favour the admission that they are the wrecks of sunken continents;— if they had originally existed as continental mountain-ranges, some at least of the islands would have been formed, like other mountain-summits, of granite, metamorphic schists, old fossiliferous
rocks, instead of consisting of mere piles of volcanic matter.
I must now say a few words on what are called accidental means, but which more properly
be called occasional means of distribution. I shall here confine myself to plants. In botanical works, this or that plant is
often stated
to be ill adapted for wide dissemination; but the greater or less facilities for transport across the sea may be said to be almost wholly unknown. Until I tried, with Mr.
aid, a few experiments, it was not even known how far seeds could resist the
inju- rious
action of sea-water. To my surprise I found that out of 87 kinds, 64 germinated after an immersion of 28 days, and a few survived an immersion of 137 days. It deserves notice that certain orders were far more
than others: nine Leguminosæ were tried, and, with one exception, they resisted the salt-water badly; seven species of the allied orders, Hydrophyllaceæ and
were all killed by a