Caricatures of Darwin and Evolution
The largest collection in history- over 1,200 illustrations from 1860-1939. There are the familiar favourites and hundreds of unknown caricatures and satirical images referring to Darwin and evolution- with many surprises. These literally change the picture of the public reception of Darwin and evolution.
The catalogues provide more accurate and detailed descriptions and clarifications about these historic images than ever before.
Perhaps most exciting are the 33 unknown caricatures of Darwin revealed here.
Caricatures of Charles Darwin (155-page catalogue) |
Caricatures of Evolution (575-page catalogue) |
1925 Scopes Monkey Trial (165-page catalogue) |
See also: The Complete Photographs of Darwin
The Darwin caricature catalogue is from the iconography of Darwin in Darwin: A Companion (2021) with many additions, corrections and illustrations. The rest of the iconography or catalogue of over 1,000 unique Darwin portraits including 210 oil paintings, watercolours, drawings, more than 600 printed portraits and over 240 three-dimensional works such as statues, busts and medallions and iconographies of HMS Beagle, Down House and Emma Darwin are in the book. |