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Comparison with 1859

say that the dwarfed condition of shells in the brackish waters of the Baltic, or dwarfed plants on Alpine summits, or the thicker fur of an animal from far northwards, would not in some cases be inherited for at least some few generations? and in this case I presume that the form would be called a variety.
Again, we have many slight differences which may be called individual differences, such as are known frequently
say that the dwarfed condition of shells in the brackish waters of the Baltic, or dwarfed plants on Alpine summits, or the thicker fur of an animal from far northwards, would not in some cases be inherited for at least some few generations? and in this case I presume that the form would be called a variety.
It may perhaps be doubted whether monstrosities, or such sudden and great deviations of structure as we occasionally see in our domestic productions, more especially with plants, are ever permanently propagated in a state of nature. Monsters are very apt to be sterile; and almost every part of every organic being, at least with animals, is so beautifully related to its complex conditions of life that it seems as improbable that any part should have been suddenly produced perfect, as that a complex machine should have been invented by man in a perfect state. I have not, at least, been able to find good cases of species in a state of nature presenting modifications of structure resembling monstrosities observed in allied forms. If such have occurred, their perpetuation will have been due to their beneficial nature, so that natural selection will have come into play. Many cases are known of plants which regularly produce on different branches, or on the circumference and in the centre of umbels, &c., flowers of a widely different structure; and if the plant ceased to produce flowers of the one kind, a great change might perhaps suddenly be effected in the specific character; but then we do not at present know by what steps, or for what good, a plant produces two kinds of flowers. With cultivated plants, in the few cases known of a variety habitually bearing flowers or fruit slightly different from each other, the production of the variety has been sudden.
Again, we have many slight differences which may be called individual differences, such as are known fre- quently