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Comparison with 1860

supposed not to be inherited: but who can say that the dwarfed condition of shells in the brackish waters of the Baltic, or dwarfed plants on Alpine summits, or the thicker fur of an animal from far northwards, would not in some cases be inherited for at least some few generations? and in this case I presume that the form would be called a variety.
Text in this page (from paragraph 110, sentence 100 to paragraph 110, sentence 231, word 43) is not present in 1860
supposed not to be inherited: but who can say that the dwarfed condition of shells in the brackish waters of the Baltic, or dwarfed plants on Alpine summits, or the thicker fur of an animal from far northwards, would not in some cases be inherited for at least some few generations? and in this case I presume that the form would be called a variety.
It may .. be doubted whether ... sudden and great deviations of structure such as we occasionally see in our domestic productions, more especially with plants, are ever permanently propagated in a state of nature. ... Almost every part of every organic being ... is so beautifully related to its complex conditions of life that it seems as improbable that any part should have been suddenly produced perfect, as that a complex machine should have been invented by man in a perfect state. Under domestication monstrosities often occur which are comparable with normal structures. .. .. .. .. Thus pigs have often been born with a sort of proboscis like that of the tapir or elephant. Now, if any wild species of the piggenus had naturally possessed a proboscis, it might have been argued that this had suddenly appeared as a monstrosity; but I have as yet failed, after diligent search, to find, in nearly allied forms, cases of monstrosities and of normal structures resembling each other. If monstrous forms of this kind ever do appear in a state of nature and are capable of propagation (which is not always the case), as they occur rarely and singly, they must be crossed with the ordinary form, and their character. will be transmitted in a modified state. If perpetuated in this crossed state, their preservation will be almost necessarily due to the modification being in some way beneficial to the animal under its then existing conditions of life; so that, even in this case, natural selection will come into play.