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whereas, the species to which these varieties belong range over 14.3 provinces. So that the acknowledged varieties have very nearly the same restricted average range, as have those very closely allied forms, marked for me by Mr. Watson as doubtful species, but which are almost universally ranked by British botanists as good and true species.
Finally, then, varieties ... cannot be distinguished from species,—except, .. firstly, by the discovery of intermediate .. forms linking them together, and the occurrence of such links does not affect the character of the forms which they connect; and except, secondly, by a certain amount of difference, for two forms, if differing very little, are generally ranked as varieties, notwithstanding that intermediate linking forms have not been discovered; but the amount of difference considered necessary to give to two forms the rank of species is quite indefinite. In genera having more than the average number of species in any country, the species of these genera have more than the average number of varieties. In large genera the species are apt to be closely, but unequally, allied together, forming little clusters round certain other species. Species very closely allied to other species apparently have restricted ranges. In all these several respects the species of large genera present a strong analogy with varieties. And we can clearly understand these analogies, if species have once existed as varieties, and have thus originated; whereas, these analogies are utterly inexplicable if each species has been independently created.
We have, also, seen that it is the most flourishing or dominant species of the larger genera within each class which on an average yield the greatest number of va- rieties; and varieties, as we shall hereafter see,