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in South America, have left behind them the sloth, armadillo, and anteater, as their degenerate descendants. This cannot for an instant be admitted. These huge animals have become wholly extinct, and have left no progeny. But in the caves of Brazil, there are many extinct species which are closely allied in size and in all other characters to the species still living in South America; and some of these fossils may have been the actual progenitors of the living species. It must not be forgotten that, on our theory, all the species of the same genus are the descendants of some one species; so that, if six genera, each having eight species, be found in one geological formation, and in a succeeding formation there be six other allied or representative genera each with the same number of species, then we may conclude that generally only one species of each of the .. older genera has left modified descendants, which constitute the new genera containing the several species; the other seven species of each old genus having died out and .. left no progeny. Or, and this will be a far commoner case, two or three species in two or three alone of the six older genera will be the parents of the .. new genera: the other .. species and the other whole genera having become utterly extinct. In failing orders, with the genera and species decreasing in numbers as .. is the case with the Edentata of South America, still fewer genera and species will leave modified blood-descendants.
Summary of the preceding and present Chapters .
I have attempted to show that the geological record is extremely imperfect; that only a small portion of the globe has been geologically explored with care; that only certain classes of organic beings have been largely preserved in a fossil state; that the number both of specimens and of species, preserved in our museums, is absolutely as nothing compared with the .. number of generations which must have passed away even during a single formation; that, owing to subsidence being almost necessary for the accumulation of .. deposits rich in fossil species of many kinds, and thick enough to outlast future degradation, great intervals of time must have elapsed between most of our successive formations; that there has probably been more extinction during the periods of subsidence, and more variation during the periods of elevation, and during the latter the record will have been least perfectly kept; that each single formation has not been continuously deposited; that the duration of each formation is, probably, short compared with the average duration of specific forms; that migration has played an important part in the first appearance of new forms in any one area and formation; that widely ranging species are those which have varied most