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Results 101-191 of 191 for « +allfields:stanbury +manuscript:true +type:item »
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CC-OldLibrary-STAN2.66    Note:    Undated   Ship's Logs Aug 1831 — Dec 1834 Ship's Log for HMS Beagle under Commander FitzRoy for:- Aug 1831 — Dec 1831 ADM 51/3054 X/J 9930; Jan 1832 — June 1832; July 1832 — Dec 1832; Jan 1833 — Dec 1834 ADM 51/3054 X/K 1576
CC-OldLibrary-STAN2.67    Note:    Undated   Ship's Log Jan 1835 — Dec 1840 Ship's Log of HMS Beagle Jan 1835 — Dec 1840 ADM 51/3055 X/K 1756
CC-OldLibrary-STAN2.68    Note:    Undated   Ship's Company & Pay Book Jan 1831 — Nov 1836 Beagle Ship's Company under Captain FitzRoy ADM32/292 X6B 2776 ; Beagle Pay Book July 1831 — Nov 1836 ; Beagle Ship's Company ADM 37/8706 C/5346
CC-OldLibrary-STAN2.69    Note:    Undated   Manuscript Catalogue Entries for:- Robert FitzRoy; Charles R Darwin; P P and P G King; Conrad Martens
CC-OldLibrary-STAN2.7    Printed:    Undated   Paradise Lost — A typed draft of a chapter "Paradise Lost" with 3 other copies of the same material
CC-OldLibrary-STAN2.70    Figure:    Undated   Drawing of Plan of HMS Beagle
CC-OldLibrary-STAN2.71    Note:    Undated   Stanbury Notes on Beagle Technical Details
CC-OldLibrary-STAN2.72    Note:    Undated   Sir Francis Beaufort's Diary Entries 1 Oct 1826 — 1 Oct 1838
CC-OldLibrary-STAN2.73    Note:    Undated   Anecdotes of Capt Beaufort RN Vol 1 1840 — 1848 by his Daughter
CC-OldLibrary-STAN2.74    Note:    Undated   Copy Letters to and from Darwin Aboard the Beagle Sept 1831-March 1836. Stanbury's Handwritten Lists of:- Various Family Members; Family Letters to Darwin; Letter Details Numbered References; Copy Letters: Miscellaneous Letters from Darwin Sept 1831 — Dec 1836; Letters 1 — 8 Darwin to Fox Nov 1831 — Feb 1836; Letters to Darwin CH1 CH2 Jan 1832 — Oct 1832; Family Letters to Darwin L1 — L44 Dec 1831 — March 1836; Misc. Letters to Darwin X1 — X18 March 1832 — July 1835
CC-OldLibrary-STAN2.75[.10]    Note:    Undated   Notes on FitzRoy's Manuscripts
CC-OldLibrary-STAN2.75[.11]    Note:    Undated   Copy Letters 1890 — 1899 to Halham Murray re W King's Sketches for Alterations to HMS Beagle
CC-OldLibrary-STAN2.75[.12]    Printed:    Undated   Extract from Life Letters & Journals of Sir Charles Lyell Vol 1 1881 — Edit Mrs Lyell
CC-OldLibrary-STAN2.75[.13]    Note:    Undated   Copy Letters from Herschell to BF Nov 1830
CC-OldLibrary-STAN2.75[.14]    Printed:    Undated   Journal of The Linnean Vol 7 No 1 Jan 1991
CC-OldLibrary-STAN2.75[.15]    Note:    Undated   Notes on Beagle artist A Earle
CC-OldLibrary-STAN2.75[.16]    Printed:    Undated   Report of Darwin's Funeral — The Times 27 April 1882
CC-OldLibrary-STAN2.75[.17]    Printed:    Undated   Sunday Times Extract 1987 on The Last Tasmanian — Susan Raven
CC-OldLibrary-STAN2.75[.18]    Printed:    Undated   Reprint of Forty Years Association with John Gould the Bird Man 1987 — G Sauer
CC-OldLibrary-STAN2.75[.19]    Printed:    Undated   Poem on The Darwinian Theory- John Young
CC-OldLibrary-STAN2.75[.1]    Note:    Undated   Index entries for HMS Beagle in State Library New South Wales
CC-OldLibrary-STAN2.75[.20]    Printed:    Undated   Supplement to the London Review Vol II 18 May 1861
CC-OldLibrary-STAN2.75[.21]    Note:    Undated   Royal Geographical Society — Presentation to FitzRoy May 1837
CC-OldLibrary-STAN2.75[.22]    Note:    Undated   Handwritten Notes on HMS Arrogant Ship's Book and copy Photographs
CC-OldLibrary-STAN2.75[.23]    Note:    Undated   Handwritten notes on Woolwich Dockyard
CC-OldLibrary-STAN2.75[.24]    Note:    Undated   FitzRoy's Purdy Gun List 1831
CC-OldLibrary-STAN2.75[.25]    Note:    Undated   Beaufort Scales and Meteorological Notes
CC-OldLibrary-STAN2.75[.26]    Printed:    Undated   Reprint of Dating of Beagle Voyage Manuscripts 1983 — F R Sulloway
CC-OldLibrary-STAN2.75[.27]    Note:    Undated   Darwin Catalogues
CC-OldLibrary-STAN2.75[.28]    Printed:    Undated   Review — Charles Darwin 1809 — 1882 A Centennial Commemorative 1983 — R Chapman, C Duval
CC-OldLibrary-STAN2.75[.29]    Printed:    Undated   Reprint of Darwin and the Development of Geography in C19 1984 — P Armstrong
CC-OldLibrary-STAN2.75[.2]    Printed:    Undated   Journal of Literary Autographs & Historical Documents — April 1980
CC-OldLibrary-STAN2.75[.30]    Printed:    Undated   The Psychohistory Review Vol 13 No 1 Autumn 1984
CC-OldLibrary-STAN2.75[.31]    Printed:    Undated   Reprint of Darwin and the Galapagos 1983 — F J Sulloway
CC-OldLibrary-STAN2.75[.32]    Printed:    Undated   Article on Women Maori & Pakeha of Old Kororareka March 1987 — Patricia Adams
CC-OldLibrary-STAN2.75[.33]    Note:    Undated   Correspondence of Stanbury & Virginia Murray at John Murray Publishers. Dec 1986 — Feb 1987
CC-OldLibrary-STAN2.75[.34]    Printed:    Undated   Article on Falklands Wildlife — K Standing
CC-OldLibrary-STAN2.75[.35]    Printed:    Undated   Article on FitzRoy's Foxes & Darwin's Finches — W R P Bourne with Stanbury's handwritten notes & correspondence
CC-OldLibrary-STAN2.75[.36]    Printed:    Undated   Article on The Acacia 1876 — F Darwin
CC-OldLibrary-STAN2.75[.37]    Note:    Undated   Copy Letters from FitzRoy Nov 1836 & Nov 1859
CC-OldLibrary-STAN2.75[.3]    Note:    Undated   Stanbury's (?) Handwritten Itemised notes for Chapter XIV
CC-OldLibrary-STAN2.75[.4]    Note:    Undated   Stanbury's article on Charles Darwin's Early "Fieldwork"
CC-OldLibrary-STAN2.75[.5]    Note:    Undated   Journal Extract — Colonial Pride & Metropolitan Expectation 1994 — A M and P J Lucas
CC-OldLibrary-STAN2.75[.6]    Note:    Undated   Journal Extract — Terrestrial Magnetism 1977 — John Conrad
CC-OldLibrary-STAN2.75[.7]    Note:    Undated   Journal Extract — Robert FitzRoy and the Early History of the Metrological Office 1986 — J Burton
CC-OldLibrary-STAN2.75[.8]    Note:    Undated   Reprint of John Gould in America 1083 — G Sauer
CC-OldLibrary-STAN2.75[.9]    Note:    Undated   Reprint of The School Science Review Vol 67 Dec 1985 — A Bishop
CC-OldLibrary-STAN2.76    Note:    Undated   John Chancellor's Book of Maritime Paintings & Tape of HMS Beagle in the Galapagos
CC-OldLibrary-STAN2.77    Note:    Undated   4 Videos on Darwin
CC-OldLibrary-STAN2.78    Printed:    Undated   Darwin in Chile Calendar 1994
CC-OldLibrary-STAN2.79    Note:    Undated   Stanbury File of Record Sheets
CC-OldLibrary-STAN2.8    Note:    Undated   New World Forest of Delights 'New World': a typewritten draft on the Beagle entering the Bay of All Saints and the crew's exploration of the town of Bahia; 'Forest of Delights' — a draft on sailing into Rio Harbour
CC-OldLibrary-STAN2.9    Note:    Undated   Bay of Islands 2 copies of a typed draft of a chapter 'Bay Islands' (New Zealand)
CC-OldLibrary-STAN3.1    Note:    Undated   Card Index Material: Galapagos History
CC-OldLibrary-STAN3.2    Note:    Undated   Card Index Material: Galapagos geology & Beagle Material
CC-OldLibrary-STAN3.3    Note:    Undated   Card Index Material: Beagle Ship's Company
CC-OldLibrary-STAN3.4    Note:    Undated   Card Index Material: Darwin Material
CC-OldLibrary-STAN4.1    Photo:    Undated   Portrait photos & copy photos of Robert FitzRoy C1840; Steven Henslow Prof Botany Cambridge; Admiral John Lord Stokes ; Admiral Bartholomew Suivan; Charles Darwin; Conrad Martens; Drawings & sketches of Fuegian Yapoo Man; Midshipman P G King
CC-OldLibrary-STAN4.10    Photo:    Undated   NZ (New Zealand) DL PX13: 5 reproduced photos of sketches: 3 copies of The Sugar loaf looking into the Cavelle Islands and ; The Sugar loaf looking into the Bay of Islands; DL PX 13 f. 23 / Conrad Martens / Studies of Ships 1835.; DL PX 13 f. 23 / Conrad Martens / Moari Canoe 1835.
CC-OldLibrary-STAN4.11    Photo:    Undated   NZ (New Zealand) PX A 67: PXA 67 f.5 Conrad Martens: Rivers chief at Kororarika Bay of Islands — 1835?; PXA 67 f.6 Conrad Martens: Atohu [Maori chief?] 1835?; PX A 67 f.2 Conrad Martens: Bay of Islands April 5/35 (2 copies); PX A 67 f.3 Conrad Martens: View in Bay of Islands (3 copies); PX A 67 f.1 View in Bay of Islands (2 copies)
CC-OldLibrary-STAN4.12    Photo:    Undated   NZ (New Zealand) Various: PXC 295 f. 75 Conrad Martens Rivers' house at Korararika Bay of Islands 1835; ATL A196/16 Conrad Martens Kororarika [sic] Bay of Islands 1835 original in ; PX*D f1 307 Conrad Martens Bay of Islands 2 copies
CC-OldLibrary-STAN4.13    Photo:    Undated   NZ (New Zealand) PX 294: 16 sketches on New Zealand: PXC 294 f 43 Augustus Earle Tetore, Bay of Islands 1835 ; PXC 294 p. 41 Conrad Martens Native Settlement in the Bay of Islands. 1835 x 4 ; PXC 294 p. 31 Conrad Martens Rarutoa — bearing N [and] Entrance to the Bay; of Islands. 1835 x3; PXC 294 p. 35 Conrad Martens Kororarika Bay of Island. 1835 x 3 ; PXC 294 p. 37 Conrad Martens Kororarika Bay of Island. 1835 x 3 ; PXC 294 p. 39 Conrad Martens Kororarika Bay of Island. 1835 x 2
CC-OldLibrary-STAN4.14    Photo:    Undated   Fuegians: 14 photographs of sketches of Fuegians; PX 12 Duplicate f16 r 31; PX 12 f11 & f13v Studies of Canoes ; PX 12 duplicate f15 ; PX 12 f8r; PX 12 f8; PX 12 f9 r; PX12 f14; PX12 f14r; PX12 16 Coastal scene; PX 12 17r Coastal scene; PX 12 f18 Port I Julien
CC-OldLibrary-STAN4.15    Photo:    Undated   S. America/Australia: ZP XC 391 f42 Sketch of Aborigine Aug. 34 ; PXC 323 Scene in South America A. Mitchell. Album F49; NK 5207/49 Scene in South America (?); NK 5207/20 Conrad Martens Figures before a Waynde Cross S America ; NK5207/34 Conrad Martens South America Bandit; Jemmy Button Island, Tierra del Fuego Mar. 6th; Dawes Point Sydney Mitchell Library Sydney; ZDG 65 Conrad Martens Sydney Cove. 1842; Conrad Martens Mount King George Nov. 1876 National Library of Australia; NK 326 Conrad Martens Landscape with farm building amongst trees in ; the Rex Nan Kivell Collection in the National Library of Australia; NK 6848 Conrad Martens Government House Stables, Botanical Gardens, ; Sydney in the Rex Nan Kivell National Library of Australia; Conrad Martens Form of boat procession to convey the remains of Rear ; Admiral King from North to South Shore 1 March 1856 National Library of Australia; Conrad Martens Sydney from behind Ferners House, North Shore Aug. 37 ; National Library of Australia; NK 3983/3 Conrad Martens From the Botanic Gardens in the ; Rex Nan Kivell Collection in the National Library of Australia ; PXC 323 Conrad Martens Scene in South America ; Sydney Cove from Dawes Point 1842 National Library of Australia; Z DG 41 Conrad Martens Sydney Cove 1842 Gift of Sir Edward Manley ; impson1961 grandson Stokes ; DL Pg 15 Conrad Martens View Parramata 1838 purchased PP King ; Falkland Isl ?
CC-OldLibrary-STAN4.16    Photo:    Undated   Ships — Diary of Tahiti PX13d.Lib: Photographs of sketchbook drawings of ships, fauna & flora of Tahiti?
CC-OldLibrary-STAN4.17    Photo:    Undated   Tahiti PX C294: PX C294p(f)4 and p(f)5 Conrad Martens View at Tahiti with the island of Moorea 1835; PX C294p(f)7 C. Martens Basaltic Columns and Waterfall Tahiti 1835; PX C294p(f)13 C. Martens Valley of Bunaavia. Tahiti 1835; PX C294 f15 C. Martens View at Papara . Island of Tahiti 1835; PX C294 f17 C. Martens Distant view of Point Venus, Tahiti 1835; PX C294 f19 C. Martens Orohena the highest mountain in Tahiti 1835; PX C294 f.45 C. Martens Matavai Chapel. Tahiti Jan 15 (x 2); PX C294 f47 C. Martens Chappel at Bunaavia [sic] Tahiti 1835 (x 2); PX C294 f49 C. Martens Valley of Bunaavia [sic] Tahiti 1835 (x 2); PX C294 F51 C. Martens Tara Trees. Tahiti 1835 (x 2); PX C294 f53 C. Martens Tei Trees and Cottage. Point Venus. Tahiti 1835 ( x 2 ); PX C294 f55 C. Martens Vi tree with house of Revd. W Wilson. Point Venus 1835 (x 2); PX C294 f57 C. Martens Island of Moorea bearing N.W. taken from on board the "Black Warrior" 1835 (x 2); PX C294 f59 C. Martens Branch of breadfruit tree [and] Tara 1835 (x 2); PX C294 endpaper Sketchbook of Pencil Views Native dwellings ZPXC 294
CC-OldLibrary-STAN4.18    Photo:    Undated   Tahiti Various: Tahiti Papeete Nov 1835?; DG 160 Conrad Martens Papeete Tahiti (x 3); From the front of w. Wilson's House Matavai (x 2 ); DG 215 Conrad Martens Island of Moorea (Eimeo) near Tahiti 1840 (x 2); DL 27 Conrad Martens The Harbour of Papeete Island of Tahiti [a view with two sailing ships, 1835] 1841; PXC 294 f11 Conrad Martens Part of Papeete Harbour. Island of Tahiti. 1835; Papeete Harbour Tahiti Collection of Mrs T.H. Odillo Maher. Sydney.; Papeete Queen Polman House ?; View of one of the Society Islands Eimo near Tahiti 1835 (Moorea) Ken Webster Purchase 3.4.71 Dunbar Sloane Wellington
CC-OldLibrary-STAN4.19    Photo:    Undated   Tahiti PX23: DL PX 23 f52 Double fishing canoe at Tahiti. 1835 (x 2); DL PX 23 f53 Conrad Martens Banana and Pawpaw trees — Tahiti 1835 (x 2); DL PX 23 f55 Conrad Martens View at Papara — Tahiti 1835 (x 2); DL PX 23 f54 Conrad Martens Banana with fruit — brown dead leaves hanging down the stem. 1835; DL PX 23 f56 Conrad Martens Point Venus from one Tree Hill. Tahiti 1835 (x 3); DL PX 23 f57 Conrad Martens Moorea near Tahiti 1835; DL PX 23 f59 Conrad Martens Ship in tropical lagoon, possibly Tahiti. 1835 (x 2) ; DL PX 23 f60 Conrad Martens Coastal Scene, possibly at Tahiti, 1835 (x 2 )
CC-OldLibrary-STAN4.2    Photo:    Undated   Beagle & Other Marine Images 37 Photos of drawings and sketches of HMS Beagle & the Adventure by various artists in various locations in the Southern Hemisphere
CC-OldLibrary-STAN4.20    Photo:    Undated   Tahiti PX 299: PX C299 f18 Conrad Martens Cap.Wallis lay off this bluff when he was attacked by the natives. 1835 (x 2); PX C299 f20 Conrad Martens Fall at Tahiti 1835 (x 2); PX C299 f21 Conrad Martens Ninita or Paw Paw Tahiti 1835? (x 2); PX C299 f14 Conrad Martens Tahiti from Afarcaitu — Moorea 1835? (x 4); PX C299 f15 Conrad Martens View of Tahiti Feb. 1835 (x 3); PX C299 f16 Conrad Martens Bunaavia [sic]or Bauder's Point Feb. 21 1835 (x 3); PX C299 f17 C. Martens
CC-OldLibrary-STAN4.21    Photo:    Undated   Copy Cambridge: 6 Unidentified copy photos of Conrad Martens sketches; Numerous paper Xerox copies of Conrad Marten sketches
CC-OldLibrary-STAN4.22    Photo:    Undated   Smythe Watercolours: A list of photographs of sketches taken on board H.M.S Beagle 1832-1834: Duplicate of f6; Duplicate; Duplicate f10; Duplicate f14; Duplicate f15(?) Basalt Glen; Duplicate f22; PXB 78 f25 Beagle Voyage / Robert FitzRoy 1865. The Course of the River …21 miles ; from the mouth; PXB 78 f26 The Adventure off Port Desire / Conrad Martens / 1833; Sketch 1: Montevideo in 1833 ; Sketch 2: Port Desire ; Sketch 3: Basalt Glen; Sketch 4: Mount Saramiento; Sketch 5: Tierra del Fuegians near Beagle Channel; Sketch 6: Chiloe an island on Patagonian West Coast
CC-OldLibrary-STAN4.23    Photo:    Undated   RQMS (R Q Macarthur Stanham) Sketchbook 2: 2 f.1; 2 f. IV; 2 f.2; 2 f. 3/ Near Falmouth/ May 11. 1833; 2 f. 4/ Pendennis [sic] Castle and entrance to Falmouth Harbour/ May 14. 1833; 2 f. 5; 2 f. 6/ Pendennis [sic] Castle and Entrance to Falmouth Harbour from St …/ May 19. 1833; 2 f. 6V; 2 f. 7/ East End of the Island of Porto Santo; 2 f. 7V/ Part of St Jago and of the Vendo [sic]/ June 1833; 2 f. 8V/ East End of Madeira; 2 f. 9/ East End of Madeira/ May 29. 1838; 2 f. 9V/ Part of St Jago and of the Vendo [sic]/ June 9 1833(vol. 3 page 1); 2 f. 10; 2 f. 11/ Port of Funchal from the anchorage/ June 2 1833; 2 f. 12/ Banana at Madeira; 2 f. 13/ At Madeira/ May 30 1833; 2 f. 14/ At Madeira/ May 30 1833; 2 f. 15/ At Madeira/ May 30 1833; 2 f. 16/ The Corral Madeira / May 30; 2 f. 17/ The Corral/ May 31; 2 f. 18/ View in the Corral Madeira; 2 f. 19/ The Corral/ May 31; 2 f. 20/ The Corral/ May 31 1833; 2 f. 21/ View at the bottom of the Corral/ May 31 1833; 2 f. 22/ Bridge at the bottom of The Corral/ May 31; 2 f. 23/ Funchal / June 1; 2 f. 24/ View in the Rio Harbour / July 6 1833; 2 f. 24V/ by Cap. …/ May 31 1833; 2 f. 25/ Port Famine/ Feb 6 1834; 2 f. 26/ Near Funchal/ June 1 1833; 2 f. 26V/ The Canary Island; 2 f. 27/ On the Coast near Rio Janeiro/ July 5. 1833; 2 f. 28/ Sugar loaf and ….; 2 f. 29/ ; 2 f. 19/ The Corral/ May 31; 2 f. 30/; 2 f. 31; 2 f. 32/ The Larne [sic] going out of Falmouth Harbour/ May 15/ 1833; 2 f. 33/ Falmouth/ May 8 1833; 2 f. 34/ The Brazen Head [sic]; 2 f. 35/ East End of the Island of Porto Santo/ May 29 1833; 2 f. 36/; 2 Inside Back Cover
CC-OldLibrary-STAN4.3    Photo:    Undated   Ship Details: Photos of Beagle Silver Salver; S V Marques used for BBC Beagle Voyage; Various plans drawn by P G King for alterations to HMS Beagle
CC-OldLibrary-STAN4.4    Photo:    Undated   Beagle Voyage Scenes 1833/4 S America, Tierra del Fuego & Chile: Photos of sketches assumed to be by Conrad Marten of Rio harbour x 3 — July 1833; Port Famine x 4 — Feb 1834; Straten Island x 2 — Feb 1834; Distant view of Cape Horn — Feb 1834; Woolaston Island x 3 — Feb 1834; Beagle Channel x 15 — March 1834; Ponsonby Sound x 7 — March 1834; Jeremy Buttons Island Ponsonby Sound x 2 — March 1834; Port Louis E Falklands — March 1834; Straits of Magelhaens x 3 — May 1834; Mount Sarmiento x 4 — June 1834; Warp Cove & Lowes Channel x 3 — June 1834; Quebrada De San Augustine x 3 — July 1834; Quebrada Elias x 2 — July 1834; Valparaiso x 4 — August 1834
CC-OldLibrary-STAN4.5    Photo:    Undated   Beagle Voyage Scenes 1833/4 mainly Tierra Del Fuego: Photos of Sketches assumed to be by Conrad Martens of; Monte Video Harbour x 2 ; Beagle in Murray Narrows — March 1834; Beagle in Beagle Channel x 2 & Portrait Cove — March 1834; Andes from Santa Cruz River x 3 May 1834; Chiloe — July 1834; Islands off Rio Harbour — July 1833; Monte Video from Beagle — Dec 1833; Port Desire x 4 — Dec 1833; Patagonian Indians Gregory Bay — Jan 1834; Mount Tarn from Port Famine — Feb 1834; Mount Sarmiento — June 1834
CC-OldLibrary-STAN4.6    Photo:    Undated   Beagle Voyage Scenes 1834 mainly Tierra del Fuego: Photos of Sketches assumed to be by Conrad Martens of; Beagle Channel & Family Group — Feb 1834 ; Fuegians at various locations and dates x 6; Port Louis East Falklands x 2 — March 1834; Mt Garvia x 2 & Roto Togo Rio — July 1833; Funchal Madeira x 2 — June 1833; The Steeple W Falklands by Lieutenant Wickham; Wallaston Island Tierra del Fuego — Feb 1834; Condors at Santa Cruz — May 1834; Valparaiso x 2 — Aug/Sept 1834; Quebrada Elias — Nov 1834; Valparaiso x 5 — Nov 1834
CC-OldLibrary-STAN4.7    Photo:    Undated   Beagle Voyage Scenes 1834 S America, Tierra del Fuego & Chile: Photos of Sketches by Conrad Martens of; Canaries x 2 — June 1833; Teneriffe & St Jago Cape Verde Islands — June 1833; Mount Aymond — Jan 1834; Port St Julian — Jan 1834; Patagoners in Gregory Bay — Jan 1834; Port Famine x 2 — Feb 1834; Mont Video x 2 1833; Lowes Channel — June 1834; Quebrada de San Augustine x 2 — July 1834; Quebrada Elias — July 1834; Valparaiso x 4 — July 1834; Condors at Santa Cruz — May 1834; FitzRoy's List of Sketches — 1865; The Adventure off Port Desire & the Bivouac — Dec 1833; Port Desire x 4 — Dec 1833; Patagonians at Gregory Bay — Jan 1834; Mount Felipe Port Famine — Feb 1834; Fuegians x 3 — Feb/March 1834; Port Louis E Falklands — March 1834; Santa Cruz River x 6 — April/May 1834; Cape Froward Port St Antonio — April 1833; Mr Sarmiento, Beagle and Adventure in Warp Bay ; Chiloe x 5 — July 1834
CC-OldLibrary-STAN4.8    Photo:    Undated   Rebecca Marten: 47 reproduced photos of sketches including:- Port Louis East Falkland; Beagle Channel ; Entrance to Ponsonby Sound from the Beagle Channel; Ponsonby Sound; Jemmy Bottons [sic] Island; Mount Sarmiento; View from Putney Bridge Quebrada Angreliou Valparaiso [sic]; View from Valparaiso; Other unidentified photos.
CC-OldLibrary-STAN4.9    Photo:    Undated   Cambridge Photos: View South side of Moorea Feb 3 1835 ; The Church — Papetaavia Jan 29; South Sea Academy — Rev. J. Simpsons Jan. 28 1835; Afarcaitu Jan 25; Almondral [sic] Valparaiso Aug. 17/34; Island of Chiloe; Forest Scene at Chiloe July 10. 1834; Forest Scene at Chiloe July 9. 1834; Chiloe July 7. 1834; San Carlos — Island of Chiloe July 5; At Chiloe July 2 1834; Santa Cruz River April 26. 1834; Corcovado July 15. 1833; Papeete Harbour Feb 6; Photos no 149, 150, 243, unidentifiable
CC-OldLibrary-STAN5.1    Figure:    Undated   Portfolio Material: Beagle Voyage — Maps, Prints Drawing: 15 Hydrographic drawings, Soundings and Sections of Galapagos Islands 1835; Engraving of Paetoai Tahiti ? ; Coloured copy of Conrad Martens Bay of Valparaiso & Enlargement of Slinging the Monkey Port ; Engraving of Steam Assisted Schooner; Coloured Drawings of; Divine Service on HMS Hyperion — Augustus Earle; Officers Mess & Midshipman Quarters on Ship of War — Augustus Earle; Midshipman Birth — G D Beranger; The Adventure at Pot Desire; HMS Beagle at Sydney; Portrait Photo of Robert FitzRoy and his Grave; Photo of Parliament St West and Square ; 6 Sketches of various early subjects by Conrad Martens?; Portraits associated with Augustus Earle ; Various book jackets and Newspaper cuttings
CC-OldLibrary-STAN5.2    Figure:    Undated   Portfolio Material: Stanbury Drawings Unrelated to the Beagle Voyage: Pencil drawings, water-coloured pen & ink drawings of various geographical features, Locations
CC-OldLibrary-STAN5.3    Figure:    Undated   Portfolio Material: Wales — Maps and Surveys Unrelated to the Beagle Voyage: 2 Aerial views of unidentified village; 1602 copy of OS Geological Map of Milford ; Hydro Survey Map of Skomer & Skokham; 2 Photo Survey maps of S W Wales and Milford; 5 Hyrdo Survey maps of Skomer & Skokham Islands; Air Survey of Pembroke; 7 OS Physical Maps of Skokham ; 11 Early Maps of Pembroke, Milford Haven & Islands
CUL-Add8904.1.6062    Correspondence:   Stanbury David to Barlow E N née Darwin  1968.09.16   Stanbury David to Barlow E N née Darwin
CUL-Add8904.1.6063    Correspondence:   Stanbury David to Barlow E N née Darwin  [1968].09.21   Stanbury David to Barlow E N née Darwin
CUL-Add8904.1.6064    Correspondence:   Stanbury David to Barlow E N née Darwin  1969.01.12   Stanbury David to Barlow E N née Darwin
CUL-Add8904.1.6065--6067    Correspondence:   Stanbury David to Barlow E N née Darwin  1970.01.20   Stanbury David to Barlow E N née Darwin
CUL-Add8904.1.6068    Correspondence:   Stanbury David to Barlow E N née Darwin  1970.02.03   Stanbury David to Barlow E N née Darwin
CUL-Add8904.1.6069    Correspondence:   Stanbury David to Barlow E N née Darwin  1970.02.13   Stanbury David to Barlow E N née Darwin
CUL-Add8904.1.6070    Correspondence:   Stanbury David to Barlow E N née Darwin  [1970].02.17   Stanbury David to Barlow E N née Darwin
CUL-Add8904.1.6071    Correspondence:   Stanbury David to Barlow T E  [1968].07.26   Stanbury David to Barlow T E
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