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Results 1-191 of 191 for « +allfields:stanbury +manuscript:true +type:item » |
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Proposed Stanbury book: 37 Chapter titles dealing with the personnel, ship details and work of the Beagle voyages with particular reference to Charles Darwin's voyage of December 1831 to October 1836."
2. |
General Introduction "Synopsis of planned book divided into 3 parts entitled Prelude, Voyage and Conclusion. Includes a list of illustrations associated with each chapter. Article entitled 'Charles Darwin Sails Again' written by David Stanbury."
3. |
Philosopher Darwin Articles, photocopied material and mauscript notes on the life and education of Charles Darwin plus details of the Wedgewood Circle. Articles, letters and notes pertaining to his employment as naturalist on board the Beagle.
4. |
Fitting Out 33 page typescript; diary account of the six months it took to prepare the Beagle for sailing including repairs, alterations, stores and provisions. It includes accounts of Charles Darwin's visits to the ship in letters to his sister Caroline, the delayed departures due to weather and the final luncheon ashore on 27 December 1831.
5. |
Forest of Delights 41 page typescript account of the Beagle's arrival and docking at Rio de Janeiro Harbour and the distribution of the first mail after 3 months. Also a description of Augustus Earle's and Charles Darwin's visit to Rio de Janeiro and Botofogo Bay and Charles Darwin's first inland expedition to Mr Patrick Lennon's estate from 7-23 April 1832 in which he describes the topography, flora and fauna. Account of Robert FitzRoy's disimissal of unsatisfactory crew members during the Beagle's refit and Charles Darwin's visits to Admiral Sir Thomas Baker's ship. Details of the Beagle's return to Rio via Bahia with the death of 3 crew members from fever .
6. |
Outward Bound 33 page typescript rough chapter; detailing the journey to South America via Tenerife and Cape Verde Islands. First details of Charles Darwin's extensive sea-sickness. Landing was refused at Tenerife due to cholera in England but with help of Dr R McCormick Darwin explored the Cape Verde Islands and made his first collections of land and marine life including details of a Baobab tree. Details of a visit to St Paul's Rock are followed by accounts of the ceremonies involved in 'crossing the line' at the equator. The coast of Brazil was sighted on 28 February 1832.
7. |
New Worlds Document detailing Beagle's surveying activities along the coast of South America and Charles Darwin's first experience of the tropical forest at Bahia. Description of Robert FitzRoy's grand dinner on board the Beagle and the heated discussion on salvery. Charles Darwin makes an excursion to look at geological features, local flora and fauna during surveys of the coastline at Abrolhos Bank, San Salvadore and Bahia. As the Beagle approaches Rio several crew members describe the wreck of the frigate Thetis and her cargo of 900,000 dollars at Cape Frio.
8. |
Patagonian Pampas Series of notes and photocopied articles and letters including biographical details of William Kent and Conrad Martin plus his drawn portrait; copy letters to Captain Beaufort re death of Commander Skyring; to Charles Darwin's sister Caroline from Darwin in the Falkland Islands; to Captain Beaufort fromRobert FitzRoy aboard the Beagle. Copy of David Stanbury's article 'Darwin as a Traveller' from the Geographical Journal for June 1960. All of which appear to have little relation to the title
9. |
Forts and Fossils Manuscript notes and photocopied articles connected with Charles Darwin's life aboard the Beagle in South America including:- items and dates from his journal; copy articles on 'Darwin and the Fossil Record' by A S Romer and 'Mr Lumb and Masters Megatherium: an unpublished letter by Charles Darwin from the Falklands' by J H Winslow; items from the hydrographer's letter book for 1832; copy letters from Charles Darwin to Susan Darwin from South America; reports to the Admiralty; notes on events aboard Beagle.
10. |
Islands of storms 2 copies of 31 page document narrating the disputed ownership of the Falkland Islands between Buenos Ayres, United States and Britain. Request to Captain FitzRoy from Monsieur Dilly, captain of a wrecked French whale boat for assistance. Details of Robert FitzRoy's and Charles Darwin's observations on the local flora and fauna and the death of Captain's clerk Mr Hellier while out hunting for specimens. Robert FitzRoy's purchase of the schooner Unicorn from the sealer Captain Low for use as a tender to the Beagle renamed the New Adventurer and its departure for Rio Negro under Mr Chaffers
11. |
River Expedition Document detailing Beagle's anchorage in the Santa Cruz river on 13 April 1834 for repairs and the expedition up river to seek its source in the Andes. Expedition led by Charles Darwin and Captain Robert FitzRoy taking three light boats and a crew of 18 up river to survey the course of the river and explore the hinterland. Charles Darwin and Robert FitzRoy discuss the geology of the river and its likely origin. Charles Darwin notes the existence of Condors and Guanaco. Began return journey three weeks later arriving back at the Beagle on 7 May 1834. Sailed through Straits of Magellan on 12 May 1834 stopping at Port Famine and picking up two castaways from Elizabeth Island en route. Met up with the Adventure at Port Desire where Conrad Martens recorded the first view of Mount Sarmiento. Robert Fiztroy's and Charles Darwin's cccounts of the wild scenery and the journey north up the west coast of South America to San Carlos in Chiloe and on to Valparaiso arriving 22 July 1834.
12. |
Port Louis Murders Two versions of a document on the Port Louis Murders and a collection of handwirtten notes. The document describes the return visit of the Beagle to Falkland Islands in March 1834. Lieutenant Smith from HMS Tyne, acting Governor of the Falklands reports a catalogue of robbery, plunder and murder to Captain FitzRoy during his absence. Charles Darwin travels in land with the gauchos to look at wild horses and remarks on their varied colours of cattle. Body of Lieutenant Clive from HMS Challenger was buried following his accidental drowning.
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Peculiar Service 24 page document on the objective of the Beagle voyage including information on John Barrow of the Admiralty and Francis Beaufort
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Island of the West Collection of typed-up letters, handwritten and phtocopied notes. Letters from Robert FitzRoy at Valparaiso to Captain Beaufor dated 14 August, 26 and 28 September and 11 November all of 1834 concerning the Straits of Magellan charts, refitting the Beagle , surveying the coast of Chile, Conrad Marten's work ashore; the sale of the Schooner 'Adventure' and and FitzRoy's unhappiness with the subsequent overcrowding and pressure of work. Letter from Charles Darwin at St Iago to Robert FitzRoy dated Thursday 1834 detailing his trip inland to Quellopa and the copper mines beyond Aconcagua. Handwritten notes on J H Dring who was transferred from HMS Blonde to the Beagle as acting pursuer on the death of George Rowlet. Notes on Moritz Rugendas a German artist. Photocopied extracts on HM Beagle's Yawl dated San Carlos 6 January 1835.
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16. |
Earthquake Series of photocopied articles, extracts and letters. Extract from an article entitled 'Patagonia, Windswept Land of the South' by Roger Perry published by Dodd, Mead & Compnay, New York describing the geography, flora, fauna and earthquake of the area. Extract from unknown author and unidentified article describing his experience aboard a ship in the Pacific. Extract from the Nautical Magazine Volume 5 entitled 'An Account of the Late Earthquake in Chile' by an Officer of HMS Beagle. Typed copies of 3 letters from Commodore Francis Mason aboard HMS Blonde to Francis Beaufort at the Admiralty referring to Captain FitzRoy and his surveys of South America.
17. |
Shipwreck 33 page account of the wreck of HMS Challenger. Robert FitzRoy pilots HMS Blonde to the bay of Conception off Talcahuano while the Beagle travelled north to Callao to prepare for her crossing of the Pacific. FitzRoy rides inland to find the wreck of the Challenger to inspect the damaged crew and frigate and returns to HMS Blonde to organise a rescue party. . Details of the failed attempts by Captain Seymour to save the Challenger which was driven onto offshore rocks, builing of a camp on shore and the rescue and protection of stores. Rescuers and stricken sailors reached Valparaiso on 13 July 1835. Captain Syemour was court marshalled for his loss of the ship but at his trial Robert FitzRoy pointed out that new paaterns of ocean currents had arisen since the earthquake giving rise to much navigational confusion. Captain Seymour was aquitted. The Beagle meanwhile had collected Charles Darwin at Copiapo
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Enchanted Isles Photcopied extract on the Galapagos Islands from Charles Darwin's 'Voyage of HMS Beagle' detailing diary entries for his time spent on the Islands exploring the flora and fauna. Copies of letters from Charles Darwin to Professor J S Henslow — letter 41 written from Sydney in January 1836 and lettter 42 from St Helena dated 9 July 1836. Essay entitled 'A Little World Within Itself' by Gordon Chancellor on the historical background to his father's painting of the HMS Beagle with reference to Charlwes Darwin's scientific work. Notes on the visibility and position of Halley's Comet in 1835/1836 raising the question as to whether or not Darwin would have seen it while in the Pacific Ocean
19. |
Paradise Lost Document detailing the time spent by the Beagle and her crew in Tahiti. Description of the Island as the Beagle approached its mooring at Matavi Bay. Account of Charles Darwin's impressions of the geography and people of the island and of Captain FitzRoy's visit to Papeete and his unhappy meeting with the eccentric Baron de Thierry. Discussions between Queen Pomare and Captain FitzRoy over compensation for the wrecking of ship's cargo in 1831 by some islanders and her subequent visit to the Beagle before its departure to New Zealand.
20. |
Bay of Islands 56 page account of Beagle at Bay of Islands in New Zealand on 21 December 1935 and an account of the later arrival of the self-styled Soveregn Chief Baron de Thierry to claim his territory. Description of new Zealand and its Maori inhabitants. The impact of missionaries such as the brothers Richard and Joseph Matthews and the troubles and disputes that arose between these and other white settlers. Account of canibalism experienced by Augustus Earle in a Maori village. Description of Charles Darwin's exploration of the local environment and of captain FitzRoy's intervention in squabbles between captains of various whaling ships and the government of the Islands.
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Bay of Islands 2 (Convict Colonies) Document describing the Beagle's arrival in Port Jackson and life in Sydney in January 1836, its impact on Charles Darwin and various crew members. Meeting with Conrad Martens now living in Sydney and Darwin's purchase of some paintings. Darwin's account of his exploration of neighbouring countryside with Syms Covington,mand their meeting with Captain King. Extracts of letters written between Robert FitzRoy and Captain King and between Captain King and Francis Beaufort. Details of a visit to Hobart in Tasmania and Darwin's visits inland. Journey on to King George's Sound on the west coast and description of an aboriginal 'Corobbery'. Departure across the Indian Ocean for the Keeling Islands in March 1836. Artilce entitled "Darwin's Days" from The Indian Ocean Review Volume 1 March 1988 giving an acocunt of Darwin's visit to Western Australia.
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Coral Atoll Document giving an account of the Beagle's visit to the Keeling Islands, its survey and repairs to the Beagle. Description of Darwin's exploration of the Island's natural history and his theory of their origin. The story of the Island's settlement by Captain John Clunies Ross and Mr Hare's harem and Mr Ross' subsequent writings and his criticisms of Robert FitzRoy and Charles Darwin. Manuscript page of notes on the Keeling Islands.
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Isle of France Document detailing the seventeen day passage to the island of Mauritius and the time spent ashore on arrival. During the journey Darwin rewrote his geological notes and ideas and Captain FitzRoy wrote an account of the voyage. On arrival at Port Louis Syms Covington gives a detailed description of the town and Darwin visited various people. He and Covington explore inland climbing La Pouce — the rime of an ancient volcano. Darwin meets and stays with Captain Lloyd a Surveyor Genral and friend of Sir John Herschel. During a walk on the island Darwin experienced a ride on Captain Lloyd's elephant and was able to study the coral reefs during a calm sea boat trip.
24. |
Captain Robert FitzRoy Document on biographical details of Robert FitzRoy's naval and political career (1805-1865). Includes quotes from many who served under him together with details of his family and private fortune with details from letters to his sister.
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Cape Observations This document describes the voyage from Mauritius to Cape Town arriving there on 31 May 1836 and comments on Darwin's continuing sea-sickness. Details of family letters Darwin received there. . Description of the scientifc work carried out with the help of Thomas Maclear, the resident Astronomer Royal at Cape Good Hope and contemporary entries in his wife's diary. Details of Darwin's meeting with Dr Andrew Smith, founder of the South African Museum in 1825, and their discussions on the geology and natural hsitory of the area. And of Darwin's expedition inland. An account of John Frederick Herschel and his observatory at Cape Town, his meeting with and influence on Darwin and FitzRoy. Accounts of letters FitzRoy wrote to Sir John and Lady Herschel during the Beagle's journey north after leaving Cape Town 18 June 1836.
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Atlantic Islands Document detailing the Beagle's stop at St Helena in July 1836 for surveying and restocking purposes. Account of Darwin's and Covington's stay on shore, their exploration of the island and visit to Napoleon's tomb. Arrival at Ascension Island on 19 July 1836 and account of letters received by Darwin. Details of trip inland made by Darwin and Covington's Details of the Beagle's return to Bahia in South America to correct readings made on the journey out from England. Darwin and Covington take advantage of this visit to make a return journey inland. Beagle departs for St Jago in the Cape Verde Islands calling at Pernambuco en route the on to Angra in the Azores where Darwin explored the local flora and fauna before departing for home on 24 september 1835.
27. |
Safe Home Document detailing the Beagle's arrival in Falmouth on 2 October 1836 and Darwin's immediate departure by mail coach for Shrewsbury carrying correspondence from Fiztroy to his sister and Francis Beaufort. Details of FitzRoy's visit to Robert Fox and his daughter at Falmouth and subesquent visit to the Admiralty. Account of the Beagle's departure for Woolwich complete with all and of correspondence between Darwin at Shrewsbury and FitzRoy on board commenting on the voyage. Details of FitzRoy's marriage to Mary O'Brian at Stonehouse on 8 December 1836 from correspondence between Darwin's sisters. Account of the Beagle's journey up the Thames anchoring at Greenwich on 28 October 1836 where Darwin returned to unload his specimens. Details of the crew's paying off and an offical acount of the Beagle's voyage of 5 years and 136 days in the Naval Chronicle.
28. |
Watch Vessels Document describing Captain Stokes' farewell to the Beagle after her third surveying voyage on 18 October 1843. Account of her subsequent use as a Coastguard Service Watch vessel and mistaken report of her use at a Japanese instruction depot.
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Other Beaglers Manuscript document detailing the subsequent careers of officers and other people on board the Beagle. These include — Robert McCormick who dismissed his time on the Beagle in a few sentences. Who in 1839, in the company of the botanist Joseph Hooker a life long friend of Darwin, made his first scientific trip to the Antartic as surgeon and zoologist returning again in 1852. Failing to obtain promotion on his return, he settled in Wimbledon publishing 2 volumes of memoirs at the age of 84. He died in 1890. In 1837 Benjamin Bynoe signed up as sugeon and naturalist on the Beagle's third voyage to the southern continents returning in 1843 after which he served as sugeon on convict ships. He returned home in 1859, retired in 1863 and died in 1865. The artist Augustus Earle returned to England in 1834 after many years in Australia and New Zealnd exhibiting some of his work at the Royal Academy in 1837. He died in 1838 but none of his Beagle sketches have survived. His successor Conrad Martin became an established artist in Sydney working up many of his sketches from the Beagle journey for which he had kept careful notes. . His customers included Darwin with whom he corresponded, FitzRoy and several officers from the Beagle. He exhibited in London and Paris and died in 1862. Thomas Burgess was the only member of the crew who left a record of his regard for Darwin in a series of letters written in 1875. Syms Covington remained in Darwin's service until 1839 when he emigrated to Australia taking with him a generous testimonial from Darwin. He settled in Sydney as a clerk marrying in 184. A series of letters written by Darwin to to Covington between 1843 and 1858 survive. He died in 1861. The Fuegians, York Minster and his wife Fuegia Basket had been on board the Beagle for nearly a year before they were returned to Woollya in 1843. York Minster died iin a fight but Fuegia Basket was heard of several times spending a night aborad sealing vessels in the area. She was last heard of in 1883 extremely frail living with her daughters. Jeremy Button reappears in 1852 when Captain Parker Snow on a missonary venture to Woollya gives an account of his meeting with him. By this time he had 2 wives and 3 children.
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Third Voyage Manuscript document giving an account of the Beagle's next surveying voyage in 1837 to South America and beyond under Commander John Wickham through the words of surveyor, John Lort Stokes, surgeon, Benjamin Bynoe and Master, Alexander Usborne. The account includes correspondence and diary entries and reflects on the importance of FitzRoy as an excellent Captain and Darwin's influence on his shipmates and the way they viewed the world around them.
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Storm Warning Documents, artilcea nd letters detailing Captain FitzRoy's career after his return from the Beagle voyage in 1839. Document detailing his life as an Tory MP for Durham and his fierce argument with William Sheppard his coalition partner during the election campaign. He remained an MP untll he sailed for New Zealand in 1843 as the new Governor. Series of photocopied notes on FitzRoy's appointment as Governor of new Zealand. Photocopy of his citatio of appointment by the Queen's Council in April1843. Extract from an article entitled 'Scientist and the Sea 1650-1900' — a study of marine science by Margaret Deacon, Academic press 1971. Document detailing the events surrounding Robert FitzRoy's tragic suicide on 6 May 1865 and Darwin's comments upon it. Phtocopied letters written by Darwin to James sullivan and joseph Hooker on FitzRoy's death.
32. |
Stanbury Bibliography Details of notes and quotes relating to the bibliography
33. |
Officers & Gentlemen Chapter includes details of problems facing naval officer in getting suitable appointments at sea. Details of the types of officer on board the Beagle their dress, duties and instructions. Short early histories of Lieutenants John Wickham and James Sulivan, Surveyor Lort Stokes, Master Edward Chaffers, ship's Surgeon and naturalist Robert McCormick, assistant surgeon Benjamin Bynoe and Purser George Rowlett
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Old Shipmates 60 page typescript Career and biographical details of the Beagle Officers including J C Wickham, B J Sulivan, J L Stokes, E M Chaffers, R Hammond, C Forsyth, C R Johnson, P B Stewart, P G King and A Mellersh
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Young Gentlemen Document detailing the accommodation, dress, duties and life of the 5 Midshipman on board the Beagle. They were Peter Benson Stewart, Arthur Mellersh, Alexander Derbyshire, Charles Muster and Philip Gidley King (son of Captain Philip King Commander of the Alexander and Beagle on the first surveying voyage to South America). Includes Robert FitzRoy's letter of 1837 written to Henry Hardinge detailing his own experience as a young gentleman at sea as advice for the young son of Sir Robert Peel.
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The Ship Extensive document including suitability of 10-gun brigs in general for surveying and a detailed description of the Beagle — its fittings and accommodation — and the cramped conditions in which Charles Darwin was to live and work on board as they set sail in December 1831. It includes Robert FitzRoy's advice about "Useful things to take on a boat expedition" and notes on ship's duties and a list of stores.
37. |
Old Salts Document detailing the story of Robert FitzRoy's hand picked crew for the Beagle and the difficulty of retaining a full complement of men. It includes an outline of the posts and duties of warrant officers — bosun, carpenter and his team, armourer or blacksmith etc together with details of the technical staff — cooper, sailmaker, ropemaker, cooks and stewards etc. and a small group of voluntary marines. It describes their daily routine on board and the conditions in which they worked, fed and slept.
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Victuals Only Document detailing Robert FitzRoy's extra personnel such as the artist Augustus Earle, Charles Darwin as naturalist and an instrument technician, plus the 3 Fuegians and missionary returning to Tierra Del Fuego. There is a detailed account of Augustus Earle's flamboyant career and travels round the world plus his letters to Mrs Ward and her daughters; information on the four Fuegian's captured on the first voyage, their stay in England at Robert FitzRoy's expense and his difficulties in trying to repatriate them. Short accounts of other personnel such as George James Stebbing the technical assistant and Syms Covington, a member of the crew who was Charles Darwin's servant.
39. |
West Coast Extracts from the Nautical Mag. Vol. 4 1835 'Loss of His Majesty's Frigate Challenger' A Diary of the Wreck of His Majesty's Ship Challenger, on the Coast of South America in May, 1835 Extracts from the Diary of an attempt to ascend the River Santa Cruz, in Patagonia, with the boats of his Majesty's sloop Beagle' by Cap. Robert FitzRoy
40. |
Old Shipmates Extracts: 'Charles Darwin: 1809- 1882: A Reader's Guide' by Douglas A. Bassett; 'FitzRoy of the Beagle: The New Beginning and the Bitter End'
41. |
3rd Voyage Extracts: 'The Life and Times of Sir George Grey' by William Rees and Lily Rees; The Helpman Journals: Comments on the Manuscript journals of Benjamin Francis Helpman of H.M. Sloop Beagle 1837-38-39-30
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The Beagle's Peculiar Service 42-page typed document on the subject
43. |
Captain, officers, Crew, Passengers- Booklets entitled Walthamstow Village, The Victorian Sailor, The Dress of the British Sailor and The Dress of National Officers; Extracts from various books: 'The Captain's Clerk', Jemmy Button, 'A Two Years' Cruise off Tierra Del Fuego…', 'The Black Ship and Beaufort of the Admiralty'; Copies of Sullivan letters (Apr. and Aug. 1827); Notes on Naval Biography; A typed copy of a letter from R. FitzRoy to the Rt. Hon. Sir Henry Hardinge about the sea officer's life; Notes on those on board the Beagle, more materials on Sullivan in particular
44. |
On Charles Darwin in North Wales Various handwritten notes on C. Darwin in North Wales; A photocopy of an article 'The Sedgwick-Darwin Geologic Tour of North Wales' from Proceeding of the American Philosophical Society, vol. 118, No. 2, April 1974 [Barrett]; A book entitled 'Nature in Wales' for 1985
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Misc Papers- Mainly on New Zealand; Photocopy of the Atoll Research Bulletin No. 88 on Coral Islands by C. Darwin [Stoddart]; Booklet entitled 'Coral Reefs: The Last Two Million Years' by D. R. Stoddart; A typed document entitled Bay of Islands" relating the Beagle's arrival in New Zealand; Various extracts from Adventure in New Zealand
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McCormick Material for an article: Various research on Robert McCormick: 'Diary of his Voyage on the Beagle'; J. D. Hooker's correspondence from Kew; Photocopy from 'Life and Letters of Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker' by Leonard Huxley, 'Ross in the Arctic' by M. J. Ross; Articles from various journals: 'Who was the Beagle's Naturalist', 'Robert M'Cormick Deputy Inspector-General Royal Navy'
47. |
Darwin in Galapagos: Activity on the Beagle; 2 Activity on shore; Handwritten chart of the activities on the Beagle and on shore
48. |
Charles Darwin at Malham. Settle Caves. Papers for an article: W. R. Mitchell's 'Walter Morrison: A Millionaire at Malham Tarn'; A photocopy of an extract from 'The National Review on Walter Morrisson'; Extract from W. Boyd Dawkins' 'Cave Hunting' (1874)
49. |
General papers: An extract of 'Some Unpublished Letters of Charles Darwin' ed. Sir Gavin De Beer; Notes on the chronology of the offer to C Darwin of a place on the Beagle' with R. FitzRoy + a typewritten reconstructed diary of events before the start of the 'Diary of the Voyage'; A typewritten note entitled: 'The missing record of the 'Beagle', 1831-36' and 'Peculiar Service'
50. |
Tahiti Scheme Extracts from Check to your King by Robin Hyde; Typescript by Mrs Mabbett from 'The Letters and Journals of Joseph Matthews 1831-79'; Extracts entitled 'Darwin's Debt to Philosophy…' by Michael Ruse; 'Missionaries, whalers and traders 1830-40' from The Exploration of N. Z. BY Mc Clymont; 'The Cocos Islands' from the Nautical Magazine Jan-Dec. 1833; Extracts from The South African Journal of Science Dec.1959 'Charles Darwin and the Cape' by S.A. Rochlin; extracts from New Zealand a Short History by J. C. Beaglehole; from New Zealand's Naval Story by T. D. Taylor; from Darwin and Huxley in Australia by A. J. Marshall; Photocopies of correspondence to the Herschels; A copy of bets on the Beagle; A photocopy of the 'Official Account of the Meeting at Tahiti Nov. 1835'; Notes on Augustus Earle
51. |
Old but Useful: Various letters mainly between C Darwin and R FitzRoy
52. |
V of Charles Darwin Souvenirs: Documents and newspapers clippings about the BBC series 'The Voyage of Charles Darwin'
53. |
Writing the Book: Extracts from Ronald W. Clarck's 'The Huxleys'; Documents on C Darwin and various societies (The Linnean Society, the Royal Entomological Society of London); Various extracts: 'The Eye of Reason: Darwin's Development during the Beagle Voyage', 'Darwin's Ecology and its influence upon its theory', 'Darwin's Health in relation to his Voyage to South America', 'The Impact of Darwin's Voyage to South America on his Work and Health', 'The Puzzling Illness of Charles Darwin', 'The History of the Collections contained in the Natural History Departments of the British Museum', 'The Genesis of Natural Collection'; Various correspondence and notes for the book draft
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55. |
Capitol ILEA. Adventures of Charles Darwin: Video sound track of Darwin's discovery on his voyage on the Beagle; Documents and travel brochures re. The Darwin Centenary Tour (Autumn 1982); Copies of the newsletters of CAPITOL RADIO 194, mainly on 'the adventures of C Darwin' (Sept.- Nov.1982); A plan of the Darwin scripts 'A Voyage with Charles Darwin' for the BBC
56. |
Darwin and Evolution A Science Jackdaw ed. Gerald Leach: Various documents on the theory of evolution
57. |
Charles Darwin in North Wales: Paper for Article inc Sedgwick Tour- Articles on Barmouth
58. |
Origin of Species, FitzRoy.Oxford Debate Huxley/Bishop — article papers; Materials for a paper on Robert FitzRoy and the British Association debate between Huxley and Wilberforce, Oxford. 30 June 1860
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60. | |
61. |
Survey. Ship — Various extracts 'The Voyage of the Beagle without Darwin' by George Basalla; 'The Admiralty Hydrographic Service 1795-1919' by Sir Archibald Day; 'Memoirs of Hydrography' compiled by L. S. Dawson; 'Facts and Observations on Hanging Ships and Rudders'; 'The fate of the Beagle' by Rev. V. Marshall Law; Notes on 'Chronometers'; Booklets: 'How the Chronometer went to Sea' by W. E. May, 'Sea Surveys' by Sir John Edgell; 'The Boats of Men of War' by Commander W E May. ; A copy of the 'Log of H.M. Sloops Beagle", commencement of Log of Ships kept by B. James Sullivan'; A typed draft of 'Captains Orders. HMS Beagle'. Signed R. FitzRoy; 'HMS Beagle (Rough Draft) Aug. 1980'; 'Stokes Papers, Captains Orders, HMS Beagle'; 'some notes taken from Narrative of a Voyage to the Southern Atlantic Ocean (1828-1830) in H.M. Sloop Chanticleer"
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63. | |
64. | |
65. | |
66. |
R. FitzRoy Narrative — Narrative of Surveying; Voyage of HMS Beagle; Vol 2
67. |
R. FitzRoy Journal — 1-Journal of First voyage of 'Beagle' 1829-1830; 2-Journal of Mr Syms Cowington 1831-1836; 3-Journal of Benjamin Helpman
68. |
R. FitzRoy Letters 1852-1864 — Photocopies of FitzRoy's Letters to Dr Shaw et. al.
69. |
R. FitzRoy HMS Beagle — Papers re. the Cocos Isles by J.C. Ross (1836); Voyages of the Adventure and Beagle; Supplement to the 2nd, 3rd and Appendix vol. of the 1st edition.
70. |
R. FitzRoy Letters/Reports to Admiralty — Letters and Reports to the Admiralty and the Hydrographer
71. |
R. FitzRoy Misc — HMS Beagle; Family letters; Career Outline Sheets
72. |
America Land of Fires- Extracts from Tulimaan Jim by Soren Koustrup; Ross in the Arctic by M. J. Ross; Copies of correspondence between W. G. Tonkin (Hon Secretary of Walthamstow Antiquarian Society) and D. Stanbury
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75. | |
76. | |
77. | |
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82. |
P. P. King Journals 1826-1830- Journals of the Voyages of the Adventure and Beagle 1826-1830; Vol.1 King's Journal; Vol.5 Meteorological Chronometer Records
83. |
Galapagos — 'Darwin and his Finches' from the Journal of History of Biology (Spring 1982) [Sulloway]; 'Red Notebook. Watermark. John Hall 1831. Dry specimens'; Red notebook. Down House: A list of the specimens collected by Darwin in the Galapagos; handwritten materials on ornithology in the Galapagos
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P. P. King Journals 1826-1830 Journals of the Voyages of the Adventure and Beagle 1826-1830; Vol.2 P.P. King + Sketch ; Vol.3 Stokes, Graves, Skyring.
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88. |
BBC TV The Voyage of Charles Darwin — Final Scripts January 1978
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90. |
Islands — Falklands & Ascension Research Materials — FitzRoy — Darwin
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93. | |
94. |
Fitting Out — A typed draft chapter on how the Beagle was prepared for her expedition during the 6 months she took fitting out; A typed draft of the Beagle's 'Third Voyage', 'Isle of France', 'Coral Atoll'
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William Mogg — extracts of Private Journal; Mr Syms Covington's Diary on Board the Beagle 1831-1836; Darwin and the Galapagos
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Portraits/Negatives/Duplicates Conrad Martens — P. G. King; Sulivan — J. L. Stokes; R. FitzRoy — Wickham's Wife; Island of storms (The Falklands)
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99. |
MA Thesis — The Administration of Governor FitzRoy in New Zealand; Notes of R. FitzRoy's Letters to his Brother Charles and Sister Fanny; Notes on C Darwin & R FitzRoy
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Ship's Logs Jan 1827 — Oct 1828; Ship's Log for HMS Thetis kept by Midshipman B J Sulivan for Jan 1827 — Oct 1828, 13 Oct 1828 — 14 Dec 1828; Ship's Log for HMS Beagle kept by Midshipman B J Sulivan under Commander FitzRoy 15 Dec 1828 — 11 Feb 1829; Ship's Log for HMS Ganges kept by Midshipman B J Sulivan under Captain Inglefield 12 Feb 1829 — 12 April 1829; Ship's Log for HMS Northstar kept by Midshipman B J Sulivan under Captain Arabin 13 April 1829 — 10 July 1829; Ship's Log for HMS Trinculo kept by Midshipman B J Sulivan under Commander Price 18 Aug 1829 — 21 Sept 1829; Ship's Log for HMS Undaunted kept by Midshipman B J Sulivan under Captain Clifford 23 Sept 1829 — 22 Nov 1829; Ship's Log for HMS St Vincent kept by Midshipman B J Sulivan under Captain Hawker 23 Nov 1829 — 30 Nov 1829
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Ship's Logs Aug 1831 — Dec 1834 Ship's Log for HMS Beagle under Commander FitzRoy for:- Aug 1831 — Dec 1831 ADM 51/3054 X/J 9930; Jan 1832 — June 1832; July 1832 — Dec 1832; Jan 1833 — Dec 1834 ADM 51/3054 X/K 1576
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Ship's Log Jan 1835 — Dec 1840 Ship's Log of HMS Beagle Jan 1835 — Dec 1840 ADM 51/3055 X/K 1756
103. |
Ship's Company & Pay Book Jan 1831 — Nov 1836 Beagle Ship's Company under Captain FitzRoy ADM32/292 X6B 2776 ; Beagle Pay Book July 1831 — Nov 1836 ; Beagle Ship's Company ADM 37/8706 C/5346
104. |
Manuscript Catalogue Entries for:- Robert FitzRoy; Charles R Darwin; P P and P G King; Conrad Martens
105. |
Paradise Lost — A typed draft of a chapter "Paradise Lost" with 3 other copies of the same material
106. | |
107. | |
108. | |
109. |
Anecdotes of Capt Beaufort RN Vol 1 1840 — 1848 by his Daughter
110. |
Copy Letters to and from Darwin Aboard the Beagle Sept 1831-March 1836. Stanbury's Handwritten Lists of:- Various Family Members; Family Letters to Darwin; Letter Details
Numbered References; Copy Letters: Miscellaneous Letters from Darwin Sept 1831 — Dec 1836; Letters 1 — 8 Darwin to Fox Nov 1831 — Feb 1836; Letters to Darwin CH1 CH2 Jan 1832 — Oct 1832; Family Letters to Darwin L1 — L44 Dec 1831 — March 1836; Misc. Letters to Darwin X1 — X18 March 1832 — July 1835
111. | |
112. |
Copy Letters 1890 — 1899 to Halham Murray re W King's Sketches for Alterations to HMS Beagle
113. |
Extract from Life Letters & Journals of Sir Charles Lyell Vol 1 1881 — Edit Mrs Lyell
114. | |
115. | |
116. | |
117. | |
118. |
Sunday Times Extract 1987 on The Last Tasmanian — Susan Raven
119. |
Reprint of Forty Years Association with John Gould the Bird Man 1987 — G Sauer
120. | |
121. |
Index entries for HMS Beagle in State Library New South Wales
122. | |
123. |
Royal Geographical Society — Presentation to FitzRoy May 1837
124. |
Handwritten Notes on HMS Arrogant Ship's Book and copy Photographs
125. | |
126. | |
127. | |
128. |
Reprint of Dating of Beagle Voyage Manuscripts 1983 — F R Sulloway
129. | |
130. |
Review — Charles Darwin 1809 — 1882 A Centennial Commemorative 1983 — R Chapman, C Duval
131. |
Reprint of Darwin and the Development of Geography in C19 1984 — P Armstrong
132. |
Journal of Literary Autographs & Historical Documents — April 1980
133. | |
134. |
Reprint of Darwin and the Galapagos 1983 — F J Sulloway
135. |
Article on Women Maori & Pakeha of Old Kororareka March 1987 — Patricia Adams
136. |
Correspondence of Stanbury & Virginia Murray at John Murray Publishers. Dec 1986 — Feb 1987
137. | |
138. |
Article on FitzRoy's Foxes & Darwin's Finches — W R P Bourne with Stanbury's handwritten notes & correspondence
139. | |
140. | |
141. | |
142. | |
143. |
Journal Extract — Colonial Pride & Metropolitan Expectation 1994 — A M and P J Lucas
144. | |
145. |
Journal Extract — Robert FitzRoy and the Early History of the Metrological Office 1986 — J Burton
146. | |
147. |
Reprint of The School Science Review Vol 67 Dec 1985 — A Bishop
148. |
John Chancellor's Book of Maritime Paintings & Tape of HMS Beagle in the Galapagos
149. | |
150. | |
151. | |
152. |
New World Forest of Delights 'New World': a typewritten draft on the Beagle entering the Bay of All Saints and the crew's exploration of the town of Bahia; 'Forest of Delights' — a draft on sailing into Rio Harbour
153. |
Bay of Islands 2 copies of a typed draft of a chapter 'Bay Islands' (New Zealand)
154. | |
155. | |
156. | |
157. | |
158. |
Portrait photos & copy photos of Robert FitzRoy C1840; Steven Henslow Prof Botany Cambridge; Admiral John Lord Stokes ; Admiral Bartholomew Suivan; Charles Darwin; Conrad Martens; Drawings & sketches of Fuegian Yapoo Man; Midshipman P G King
159. |
NZ (New Zealand) DL PX13: 5 reproduced photos of sketches: 3 copies of The Sugar loaf looking into the Cavelle Islands and ; The Sugar loaf looking into the Bay of Islands; DL PX 13 f. 23 / Conrad Martens / Studies of Ships 1835.; DL PX 13 f. 23 / Conrad Martens / Moari Canoe 1835.
160. |
NZ (New Zealand) PX A 67: PXA 67 f.5 Conrad Martens: Rivers chief at Kororarika Bay of Islands — 1835?; PXA 67 f.6 Conrad Martens: Atohu [Maori chief?] 1835?; PX A 67 f.2 Conrad Martens: Bay of Islands April 5/35 (2 copies); PX A 67 f.3 Conrad Martens: View in Bay of Islands (3 copies); PX A 67 f.1 View in Bay of Islands (2 copies)
161. |
NZ (New Zealand) Various: PXC 295 f. 75 Conrad Martens Rivers' house at Korararika Bay of Islands 1835; ATL A196/16 Conrad Martens Kororarika [sic] Bay of Islands 1835 original in ; PX*D f1 307 Conrad Martens Bay of Islands 2 copies
162. |
NZ (New Zealand) PX 294: 16 sketches on New Zealand: PXC 294 f 43 Augustus Earle Tetore, Bay of Islands 1835 ; PXC 294 p. 41 Conrad Martens Native Settlement in the Bay of Islands. 1835 x 4 ; PXC 294 p. 31 Conrad Martens Rarutoa — bearing N [and] Entrance to the Bay; of Islands. 1835 x3; PXC 294 p. 35 Conrad Martens Kororarika Bay of Island. 1835 x 3 ; PXC 294 p. 37 Conrad Martens Kororarika Bay of Island. 1835 x 3 ; PXC 294 p. 39 Conrad Martens Kororarika Bay of Island. 1835 x 2
163. |
Fuegians: 14 photographs of sketches of Fuegians; PX 12 Duplicate f16 r 31; PX 12 f11 & f13v Studies of Canoes ; PX 12 duplicate f15 ; PX 12 f8r; PX 12 f8; PX 12 f9 r; PX12 f14; PX12 f14r; PX12 16 Coastal scene; PX 12 17r Coastal scene; PX 12 f18 Port I Julien
164. |
S. America/Australia: ZP XC 391 f42 Sketch of Aborigine Aug. 34 ; PXC 323 Scene in South America A. Mitchell. Album F49; NK 5207/49 Scene in South America (?); NK 5207/20 Conrad Martens Figures before a Waynde Cross S America ; NK5207/34 Conrad Martens South America Bandit; Jemmy Button Island, Tierra del Fuego Mar. 6th; Dawes Point Sydney Mitchell Library Sydney; ZDG 65 Conrad Martens Sydney Cove. 1842; Conrad Martens Mount King George Nov. 1876 National Library of Australia; NK 326 Conrad Martens Landscape with farm building amongst trees in ; the Rex Nan Kivell Collection in the National Library of Australia; NK 6848 Conrad Martens Government House Stables, Botanical Gardens, ; Sydney in the Rex Nan Kivell National Library of Australia; Conrad Martens Form of boat procession to convey the remains of Rear ; Admiral King from North to South Shore 1 March 1856 National Library of Australia; Conrad Martens Sydney from behind Ferners House, North Shore Aug. 37 ; National Library of Australia; NK 3983/3 Conrad Martens From the Botanic Gardens in the ; Rex Nan Kivell Collection in the National Library of Australia ; PXC 323 Conrad Martens Scene in South America ; Sydney Cove from Dawes Point 1842 National Library of Australia; Z DG 41 Conrad Martens Sydney Cove 1842 Gift of Sir Edward Manley ; impson1961 grandson Stokes ; DL Pg 15 Conrad Martens View Parramata 1838 purchased PP King ; Falkland Isl ?
165. |
Ships — Diary of Tahiti PX13d.Lib: Photographs of sketchbook drawings of ships, fauna & flora of Tahiti?
166. |
Tahiti PX C294: PX C294p(f)4 and p(f)5 Conrad Martens View at Tahiti with the island of Moorea 1835; PX C294p(f)7 C. Martens Basaltic Columns and Waterfall Tahiti 1835; PX C294p(f)13 C. Martens Valley of Bunaavia. Tahiti 1835; PX C294 f15 C. Martens View at Papara . Island of Tahiti 1835; PX C294 f17 C. Martens Distant view of Point Venus, Tahiti 1835; PX C294 f19 C. Martens Orohena the highest mountain in Tahiti 1835; PX C294 f.45 C. Martens Matavai Chapel. Tahiti Jan 15 (x 2); PX C294 f47 C. Martens Chappel at Bunaavia [sic] Tahiti 1835 (x 2); PX C294 f49 C. Martens Valley of Bunaavia [sic] Tahiti 1835 (x 2); PX C294 F51 C. Martens Tara Trees. Tahiti 1835 (x 2); PX C294 f53 C. Martens Tei Trees and Cottage. Point Venus. Tahiti 1835 ( x 2 ); PX C294 f55 C. Martens Vi tree with house of Revd. W Wilson. Point Venus 1835 (x 2); PX C294 f57 C. Martens Island of Moorea bearing N.W. taken from on board the "Black Warrior" 1835 (x 2); PX C294 f59 C. Martens Branch of breadfruit tree [and] Tara 1835 (x 2); PX C294 endpaper Sketchbook of Pencil Views Native dwellings ZPXC 294
167. |
Tahiti Various: Tahiti Papeete Nov 1835?; DG 160 Conrad Martens Papeete Tahiti (x 3); From the front of w. Wilson's House Matavai (x 2 ); DG 215 Conrad Martens Island of Moorea (Eimeo) near Tahiti 1840 (x 2); DL 27 Conrad Martens The Harbour of Papeete Island of Tahiti [a view with two sailing ships, 1835] 1841; PXC 294 f11 Conrad Martens Part of Papeete Harbour. Island of Tahiti. 1835; Papeete Harbour Tahiti Collection of Mrs T.H. Odillo Maher. Sydney.; Papeete Queen Polman House ?; View of one of the Society Islands Eimo near Tahiti 1835 (Moorea) Ken Webster Purchase 3.4.71 Dunbar Sloane Wellington
168. |
Tahiti PX23: DL PX 23 f52 Double fishing canoe at Tahiti. 1835 (x 2); DL PX 23 f53 Conrad Martens Banana and Pawpaw trees — Tahiti 1835 (x 2); DL PX 23 f55 Conrad Martens View at Papara — Tahiti 1835 (x 2); DL PX 23 f54 Conrad Martens Banana with fruit — brown dead leaves hanging down the stem. 1835; DL PX 23 f56 Conrad Martens Point Venus from one Tree Hill. Tahiti 1835 (x 3); DL PX 23 f57 Conrad Martens Moorea near Tahiti 1835; DL PX 23 f59 Conrad Martens Ship in tropical lagoon, possibly Tahiti. 1835 (x 2) ; DL PX 23 f60 Conrad Martens Coastal Scene, possibly at Tahiti, 1835 (x 2 )
169. |
Beagle & Other Marine Images 37 Photos of drawings and sketches of HMS Beagle & the Adventure by various artists in various locations in the Southern Hemisphere
170. |
Tahiti PX 299: PX C299 f18 Conrad Martens Cap.Wallis lay off this bluff when he was attacked by the natives. 1835 (x 2); PX C299 f20 Conrad Martens Fall at Tahiti 1835 (x 2); PX C299 f21 Conrad Martens Ninita or Paw Paw Tahiti 1835? (x 2); PX C299 f14 Conrad Martens Tahiti from Afarcaitu — Moorea 1835? (x 4); PX C299 f15 Conrad Martens View of Tahiti Feb. 1835 (x 3); PX C299 f16 Conrad Martens Bunaavia [sic]or Bauder's Point Feb. 21 1835 (x 3); PX C299 f17 C. Martens
171. |
Copy Cambridge: 6 Unidentified copy photos of Conrad Martens sketches; Numerous paper Xerox copies of Conrad Marten sketches
172. |
Smythe Watercolours: A list of photographs of sketches taken on board H.M.S Beagle 1832-1834: Duplicate of f6; Duplicate; Duplicate f10; Duplicate f14; Duplicate f15(?) Basalt Glen; Duplicate f22; PXB 78 f25 Beagle Voyage / Robert FitzRoy 1865. The Course of the River …21 miles ; from the mouth; PXB 78 f26 The Adventure off Port Desire / Conrad Martens / 1833; Sketch 1: Montevideo in 1833 ; Sketch 2: Port Desire ; Sketch 3: Basalt Glen; Sketch 4: Mount Saramiento; Sketch 5: Tierra del Fuegians near Beagle Channel; Sketch 6: Chiloe an island on Patagonian West Coast
173. |
RQMS (R Q Macarthur Stanham) Sketchbook 2: 2 f.1; 2 f. IV; 2 f.2; 2 f. 3/ Near Falmouth/ May 11. 1833; 2 f. 4/ Pendennis [sic] Castle and entrance to Falmouth Harbour/ May 14. 1833; 2 f. 5; 2 f. 6/ Pendennis [sic] Castle and Entrance to Falmouth Harbour from St …/ May 19. 1833; 2 f. 6V; 2 f. 7/ East End of the Island of Porto Santo; 2 f. 7V/ Part of St Jago and of the Vendo [sic]/ June 1833; 2 f. 8V/ East End of Madeira; 2 f. 9/ East End of Madeira/ May 29. 1838; 2 f. 9V/ Part of St Jago and of the Vendo [sic]/ June 9 1833(vol. 3 page 1); 2 f. 10; 2 f. 11/ Port of Funchal from the anchorage/ June 2 1833; 2 f. 12/ Banana at Madeira; 2 f. 13/ At Madeira/ May 30 1833; 2 f. 14/ At Madeira/ May 30 1833; 2 f. 15/ At Madeira/ May 30 1833; 2 f. 16/ The Corral Madeira / May 30; 2 f. 17/ The Corral/ May 31; 2 f. 18/ View in the Corral Madeira; 2 f. 19/ The Corral/ May 31; 2 f. 20/ The Corral/ May 31 1833; 2 f. 21/ View at the bottom of the Corral/ May 31 1833; 2 f. 22/ Bridge at the bottom of The Corral/ May 31; 2 f. 23/ Funchal / June 1; 2 f. 24/ View in the Rio Harbour / July 6 1833; 2 f. 24V/ by Cap. …/ May 31 1833; 2 f. 25/ Port Famine/ Feb 6 1834; 2 f. 26/ Near Funchal/ June 1 1833; 2 f. 26V/ The Canary Island; 2 f. 27/ On the Coast near Rio Janeiro/ July 5. 1833; 2 f. 28/ Sugar loaf and ….; 2 f. 29/ ; 2 f. 19/ The Corral/ May 31; 2 f. 30/; 2 f. 31; 2 f. 32/ The Larne [sic] going out of Falmouth Harbour/ May 15/ 1833; 2 f. 33/ Falmouth/ May 8 1833; 2 f. 34/ The Brazen Head [sic]; 2 f. 35/ East End of the Island of Porto Santo/ May 29 1833; 2 f. 36/; 2 Inside Back Cover
174. |
Ship Details: Photos of Beagle Silver Salver; S V Marques used for BBC Beagle Voyage; Various plans drawn by P G King for alterations to HMS Beagle
175. |
Beagle Voyage Scenes 1833/4 S America, Tierra del Fuego & Chile: Photos of sketches assumed to be by Conrad Marten of Rio harbour x 3 — July 1833; Port Famine x 4 — Feb 1834; Straten Island x 2 — Feb 1834; Distant view of Cape Horn — Feb 1834; Woolaston Island x 3 — Feb 1834; Beagle Channel x 15 — March 1834; Ponsonby Sound x 7 — March 1834; Jeremy Buttons Island Ponsonby Sound x 2 — March 1834; Port Louis E Falklands — March 1834; Straits of Magelhaens x 3 — May 1834; Mount Sarmiento x 4 — June 1834; Warp Cove & Lowes Channel x 3 — June 1834; Quebrada De San Augustine x 3 — July 1834; Quebrada Elias x 2 — July 1834; Valparaiso x 4 — August 1834
176. |
Beagle Voyage Scenes 1833/4 mainly Tierra Del Fuego: Photos of Sketches assumed to be by Conrad Martens of; Monte Video Harbour x 2 ; Beagle in Murray Narrows — March 1834; Beagle in Beagle Channel x 2 & Portrait Cove — March 1834; Andes from Santa Cruz River x 3 May 1834; Chiloe — July 1834; Islands off Rio Harbour — July 1833; Monte Video from Beagle — Dec 1833; Port Desire x 4 — Dec 1833; Patagonian Indians Gregory Bay — Jan 1834; Mount Tarn from Port Famine — Feb 1834; Mount Sarmiento — June 1834
177. |
Beagle Voyage Scenes 1834 mainly Tierra del Fuego: Photos of Sketches assumed to be by Conrad Martens of; Beagle Channel & Family Group — Feb 1834 ; Fuegians at various locations and dates x 6; Port Louis East Falklands x 2 — March 1834; Mt Garvia x 2 & Roto Togo Rio — July 1833; Funchal Madeira x 2 — June 1833; The Steeple W Falklands by Lieutenant Wickham; Wallaston Island Tierra del Fuego — Feb 1834; Condors at Santa Cruz — May 1834; Valparaiso x 2 — Aug/Sept 1834; Quebrada Elias — Nov 1834; Valparaiso x 5 — Nov 1834
178. |
Beagle Voyage Scenes 1834 S America, Tierra del Fuego & Chile: Photos of Sketches by Conrad Martens of; Canaries x 2 — June 1833; Teneriffe & St Jago Cape Verde Islands — June 1833; Mount Aymond — Jan 1834; Port St Julian — Jan 1834; Patagoners in Gregory Bay — Jan 1834; Port Famine x 2 — Feb 1834; Mont Video x 2 1833; Lowes Channel — June 1834; Quebrada de San Augustine x 2 — July 1834; Quebrada Elias — July 1834; Valparaiso x 4 — July 1834; Condors at Santa Cruz — May 1834; FitzRoy's List of Sketches — 1865; The Adventure off Port Desire & the Bivouac — Dec 1833; Port Desire x 4 — Dec 1833; Patagonians at Gregory Bay — Jan 1834; Mount Felipe Port Famine — Feb 1834; Fuegians x 3 — Feb/March 1834; Port Louis E Falklands — March 1834; Santa Cruz River x 6 — April/May 1834; Cape Froward Port St Antonio — April 1833; Mr Sarmiento, Beagle and Adventure in Warp Bay ; Chiloe x 5 — July 1834
179. |
Rebecca Marten: 47 reproduced photos of sketches including:- Port Louis East Falkland; Beagle Channel ; Entrance to Ponsonby Sound from the Beagle Channel; Ponsonby Sound; Jemmy Bottons [sic] Island; Mount Sarmiento; View from Putney Bridge Quebrada Angreliou Valparaiso [sic]; View from Valparaiso; Other unidentified photos.
180. |
Cambridge Photos: View South side of Moorea Feb 3 1835 ; The Church — Papetaavia Jan 29; South Sea Academy — Rev. J. Simpsons Jan. 28 1835; Afarcaitu Jan 25; Almondral [sic] Valparaiso Aug. 17/34; Island of Chiloe; Forest Scene at Chiloe July 10. 1834; Forest Scene at Chiloe July 9. 1834; Chiloe July 7. 1834; San Carlos — Island of Chiloe July 5; At Chiloe July 2 1834; Santa Cruz River April 26. 1834; Corcovado July 15. 1833; Papeete Harbour Feb 6; Photos no 149, 150, 243, unidentifiable
181. |
Portfolio Material: Beagle Voyage — Maps, Prints Drawing: 15 Hydrographic drawings, Soundings and Sections of Galapagos Islands 1835; Engraving of Paetoai Tahiti ? ; Coloured copy of Conrad Martens Bay of Valparaiso & Enlargement of Slinging the Monkey Port ; Engraving of Steam Assisted Schooner; Coloured Drawings of; Divine Service on HMS Hyperion — Augustus Earle; Officers Mess & Midshipman Quarters on Ship of War — Augustus Earle; Midshipman Birth — G D Beranger; The Adventure at Pot Desire; HMS Beagle at Sydney; Portrait Photo of Robert FitzRoy and his Grave; Photo of Parliament St West and Square ; 6 Sketches of various early subjects by Conrad Martens?; Portraits associated with Augustus Earle ; Various book jackets and Newspaper cuttings
182. |
Portfolio Material: Stanbury Drawings Unrelated to the Beagle Voyage: Pencil drawings, water-coloured pen & ink drawings of various geographical features, Locations
183. |
Portfolio Material: Wales — Maps and Surveys Unrelated to the Beagle Voyage: 2 Aerial views of unidentified village; 1602 copy of OS Geological Map of Milford ; Hydro Survey Map of Skomer & Skokham; 2 Photo Survey maps of S W Wales and Milford; 5 Hyrdo Survey maps of Skomer & Skokham Islands; Air Survey of Pembroke; 7 OS Physical Maps of Skokham ; 11 Early Maps of Pembroke, Milford Haven & Islands
184. |
Stanbury David to Barlow E N née Darwin
Stanbury David to Barlow E N née Darwin
185. |
Stanbury David to Barlow E N née Darwin
Stanbury David to Barlow E N née Darwin
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Stanbury David to Barlow E N née Darwin
Stanbury David to Barlow E N née Darwin
187. |
Stanbury David to Barlow E N née Darwin
Stanbury David to Barlow E N née Darwin
188. |
Stanbury David to Barlow E N née Darwin
Stanbury David to Barlow E N née Darwin
189. |
Stanbury David to Barlow E N née Darwin
Stanbury David to Barlow E N née Darwin
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Stanbury David to Barlow E N née Darwin
Stanbury David to Barlow E N née Darwin
191. |
Stanbury David to Barlow T E
Stanbury David to Barlow T E