Works about Darwin

This page lists works about Darwin. Most of the classic scholarly literature on Darwin is available here. All are also listed on the Supplementary works page. Thousands of other publications are in Darwin's private papers here.

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The Complete Library of Charles Darwin. First published in Darwin Online on 12 February 2024.

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The Beagle Library Recollections
Obituaries Communicated by Darwin

Works about Darwin

1908. The Darwin-Wallace celebration held on Thursday, 1st July, 1908 by the Linnean society of London. Text PDF A281

1909. Darwin Centenary Number. Christ's College Magazine. XXIII, Easter Term. Text Image A36

1909. Fifty years of Darwinism: modern aspects of evolution, centennial addresses in honor of Charles Darwin before the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Baltimore, Friday, January 1, 1909. PDF A1087

1909. List of delegates and other guests invited by the University to Darwin Commemoration Centenary of the birth of Charles Darwin and the publication of Origin of Species To be celebrated at Cambridge, June 22, 23, 24, 1909. McGill-CA-OSLER0-P110.155 PDF

1909. Order of the proceedings at the Darwin celebrations held at Cambridge June 22-June 24, 1909. With a sketch of Darwin's life. Text Image F1481

1909. The Bookman. Darwin centenary number. (February). McGill-CA-OSLER0-P110.157 Text Image PDF

1960. Handlist of Darwin papers at the University Library Cambridge. Text A94

'A field naturalist', Edward Bell. 1902.The Primrose and Darwinism. New York: E.P. Dutton & Co., London Grant Richards, 250pp. PDF

A. Conifer. 1882. Verse dedication Charles Darwin. Hardwicke's science-gossip 18: (22 April): 126-7. Text PDF

A. U.? 1887. Tribute Darwin and his work. The Open Court (3 March): 40. PDF

Abbott, L. F. 1927. Charles Darwin, the saint. In Twelve great modernists. New York: Doubleday. Text Image PDF A876

Acton, T. B. 1887. The late Mr. Charles Darwin. Wrexham Advertiser (10 December): 6. PDF

Adams, W.H. Davenport. 1886. 'Charles Darwin'. In Master minds in art, science, and letters, London, pp. 251-76. PDF

Ainsworth, William F. 1882. Recollection Mr. Darwin. Athenaeum (13 May): 604. Text PDF

Alkaersig, Soeren. 1904. Udviklingslæren paa Højskolen - Svar til Gaardejer Christjansen, Holmsland. Hoejskolebladet: 1501-1508. Text Image

Allen, Grant. 1885. Charles Darwin. New York: D. Appleton. Text Image

Anon. 1882. [Obituary] Charles Robert Darwin. Harper's Weekly (29 April): 269-270. PDF A3303

Anon. 1882. Mr. Darwin's house at Down, Kent. The Graphic (1 July): 6, 16. Text Image

Anon. 1882. Biographical sketch of Darwin, with a portrait. Rural New-Yorker (20 May): 1. PDF

Anon. 1882. Burial scene engraving Funeral of the late Charles Robert Darwin. The Graphic (6 May): 1. Image

Anon. 1882. Carlos Darwin. El Club de Matanzas No. 11 (16 June): 88. Text Image

Anon. 1882. Charles Darwin's home. London Daily News, (24 April): 3. PDF

Anon. 1882. Charles Robert Darwin. The Times. (21 May): 5. PDF

Anon. 1882. Darwin. The Brooklyn Daily Eagle (New York), (24 April): 2. Text PDF

Anon. 1882. Darwin's home. The age (Melbourne) (17 June): 2. Text

Anon. 1882. Darwin's kindness of heart. Literary News (July): 219. Text

Anon. 1882. Darwin's religion. The Narracoorte Herald (15 December): 3. Text

Anon. 1882. Darwin's Selbstbiographie. Prager Tageblatt (25 April): 8. Text

Anon. 1882. Death of Professor Darwin. The Bromley Record (1 May): 46-7. Text PDF

Anon. 1882. Death of Professor Darwin. The North-Eastern Daily Gazette (21 April): 4. Image

Anon. 1882. Funeral of Professor Darwin. The Weekly Mail, Wales (29 April): 2. PDF

Anon. 1882. Funeral of the late Mr. Charles Darwin. Stratford-upon-Avon Herald (28 April): 5. Text Image

Anon. 1882. Hommage a Darwin. Revue Scientifique de la France et de l'etranger, Paris, series 3, vol. 4: 829. PDF

Anon. 1882. Medical history of The late Charles Darwin. British Medical Journal (29 April): 628. Text

Anon. 1882. Memoir of the late Charles Darwin, LL.D., F.R.S. The Zoologist 6, ser. 3): 193-196. Text PDF

Anon. 1882. Obituary A great scientist dead. Union Springs Herald (Alabama), (10 May): 1. PDF

Anon. 1882. Obituary Charles Darwin (11 May): 190 and Review of Journal of researches (June 1): 228, from The Youth Companion. PDF

Anon. 1882. Obituary Charles Darwin. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (series 5) 9 (no. 53, May): 402-404. Text A886

Anon. 1882. Obituary Charles Darwin. Evening news (Sydney) (3 June): 7. Text

Anon. 1882. Obituary Charles Darwin. Scientific American (29 April): 256. PDF

Anon. 1882. Obituary Charles Darwin. The Nation no. 878 (27 April): 354-5. Text Image

Anon. 1882. Obituary Charles Darwin. The Spectator (22 April): 525-6. Text PDF

Anon. 1882. Obituary Charles Darwin. Wiener Allgemeine Zeitung (22 April): 1-2. PDF

Anon. 1882. Obituary Charles Darwin. Wiener Allgemeine Zeitung (24 April): 1-2. PDF

Anon. 1882. Obituary Charles Robert Darwin. National Association of wool manufacturers, 12: 382-8. Boston. Text PDF

Anon. 1882. Obituary Charles Robert Darwin. Punch (29 April): 203. Text Image

Anon. 1882. Obituary Charles Robert Darwin. The Lancaster Intelligencer (21 April): 1. PDF

Anon. 1882. Obituary Darwin. Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate (3 May) p. 2. PDF

Anon. 1882. Obituary Darwin's death. The Canton advocate (Minnesota) (4 May): 3. PDF

Anon. 1882. Obituary Death of Chas. Darwin. New York Times (21 April): 5. Text PDF

Anon. 1882. Obituary Death of Dr. Charles Darwin. The Adelaide Observer (6 May): 26. PDF

Anon. 1882. Obituary Death of Mr. Darwin. Bye-gones, 1882-3 (April): 56-58. PDF

Anon. 1882. Obituary Death of Professor Darwin. Sheffield and Rotherham Independent (21 April): 2. PDF

Anon. 1882. Obituary Glorias contemporaneas: Charles Darwin. Commercio de Portugal (Lisbon), (23 April): 1. PDF

Anon. 1882. Obituary in Czech. Charl. Darwin mrtev. Ročnik V. PDF

Anon. 1882. Obituary in French Mort de Ch. Darwin. Bulletins de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris, vol. 5: 347-48. PDF

Anon. 1882. Obituary in French, with portrait. Darwin. Le Monde Illustrè (6 May): 277. PDF

Anon. 1882. Obituary in French, with portrait. Darwin. Le Monde Illustrè (6 May): 277. PDF

Anon. 1882. Obituary in Norwegian. Verdens Gang (13 May): 1. PDF

Anon. 1882. Obituary in Portuguese. C. R. Darwin. O Globo (Rio de Janeiro), (22 April): 2.

Anon. 1882. Obituary in Portuguese. Charles Darwin. Gazeta de Notícias (Rio de Janeiro), (23 April): 1.

Anon. 1882. Obituary in Portuguese. Darwin. Diário do Brazil (Rio de Janeiro), (25 April): 3.

Anon. 1882. Obituary in Portuguese. Darwin. Gazeta da Tarde (Rio de Janeiro), (22 April): 2.

Anon. 1882. Obituary in Portuguese. Darwin. Jornal do Commercio (Rio de Janeiro), (22 April): 1-2.

Anon. 1882. Obituary in Swedish. Helsingfors Dagblad, no. 119, (4 May): 2. PDF

Anon. 1882. Obituary of Charles Darwin. St Louis Post-Dispatch (Missouri), (21 April): 4. PDF

Anon. 1882. Obituary of Charles Darwin. The county paper (Missouri), (5 May): 8. PDF

Anon. 1882. Obituary of Charles Darwin. The Southland Times (New Zealand), (24 April): 2. PDF

Anon. 1882. Obituary of Darwin Leitmeriker Zeitung (26 April): 394. PDF

Anon. 1882. Obituary of Darwin. Der größte Affe heimgegaige. Der Nordstern (St. Cloud, Minnesota) (4 May): 4. PDF

Anon. 1882. Obituary of Darwin. Indiana Tribune (21 April): 1. PDF

Anon. 1882. Obituary of Darwin. Manufacturer and builder 14, Issue 6 (June): 123. Text Image

Anon. 1882. Obituary of Darwin. Medical press and circular (26 April): 361-2. PDF

Anon. 1882. Obituary of Darwin. The American Journal of Pharmacy, vol. LIV., 4th series, vol XII (May): 271-2. PDF

Anon. 1882. Obituary of Darwin. The Literary Churchman (12 May): 185-6 and p. 530. PDF

Anon. 1882. Obituary of Darwin. Wien, Neue Freie Presse (21 April): 1, 4, 5. PDF

Anon. 1882. Obituary The death of Charles Darwin. South Wales Daily News (21 April): 2. PDF

Anon. 1882. Obituary The death of Charles Darwin. The Inter Ocean (Illinois), (22 April): 12. PDF

Anon. 1882. Obituary The late Mr. Darwin. The Times. 3 May: 10. Text Image

Anon. 1882. Obituary with woodcut. The late Dr. Darwin. Illustrated Police News, (29 April): 4. PDF

Anon. 1882. Obituary. Charles Darwin. M.A., F.R.S. Geological Magazine, vol. 9, issue 5, (April): 239-240. PDF

Anon. 1882. Obituary. Darwin's botanical work. Pharmaceutical Journal (29 April): 887-88. PDF

Anon. 1882. Obituary. Death of Professor Darwin. Birmingham Daily Mail (30 April): 3. PDF

Anon. 1882. Obituary. The foreign press on the late Mr. Darwin. The Aberystwith Observer, (29 April): 2. PDF

Anon. 1882. Obituary. The late Charles Darwin. The Queen. (6 May): 376. Image

Anon. 1882. Obituary: Charles Darwin, M. A., F. R. S. Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society and Monthly Record of Geography, New Monthly Series 4 (5) (May) 314. Text Image

Anon. 1882. Reminiscence of Charles Darwin. The Times-Picayune (New Orleans, Louisiana) (12 January): 2. PDF

Anon. 1882. Request to bury the body of Charles Darwin in Westminster Abbey. The Times (26 April): 11. Text

Anon. 1882. Request to bury the body of Charles Darwin in Westminster Abbey. The Times (26 April): 11. Text

Anon. 1882. Sketch of Charles R. Darwin, LL.D., with portrait. Popular Science Monthly, vol. 21: 260- 68. PDF

Anon. 1882. The biographer: Charles Robert Darwin. The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, (24 June): 989. PDF

Anon. 1882. Obituary notice. The Graphic (29 April): 414. Text

Anon. 1882. The funeral of Mr. Darwin. The Hampshire Advertiser (29 April): 2. Image

Anon. 1882. The funeral of Mr. Darwin. The Times (27 April): 5. Text

Anon. 1882. The late Mr. Darwin. The Times (29 April): 7. Text

Anon. 1882. Tribute Darwin and atheism. The Courier (Waterloo, Iowa), (24 May): 6. PDF

Anon. 1882. Tribute Darwin's life-work. The Critic, vol. 2, (6 May): 130. PDF

Anon. 1883. Darwin's handwriting. The Field Naturalist p. 78. Text Image

Anon. 1883. Mr. Charles Darwin on infant development. The Field Naturalist pp. 5-7. Text Image

Anon. 1884. Biographical sketch of Darwin, with a portrait. Turn Lehti (Finland), no. 143: 1-2. PDF

Anon. 1885. Mr. Darwin in Tierra del Fuego. Boys Own Paper. Image

Anon. 1885. The Darwin memorial statue. The Times (10 June): 10. Text

Anon. 1885. The Darwin memorial. The Times (16 May): 11. Text

Anon. 1885. Unveiling the statue of the late Charles Darwin in the Natural History Museum, South Kensington. The Graphic (20 June): 621-2. Text Image

Anon. 1886. Anecdote of Darwin's servant thinking him idle in the greenhouse. Aberdeen Press and Journal (15 May): 2.

Anon. 1886. Recollection of Darwin. A visit to Darwin's home at Down. Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, New York), (17 May): 4. PDF

Anon. 1887. Charles Darwin at Christ's. Christ's College Magazine October Term, pp. 17-27. Text Image A552

Anon. 1887. Draw poker: A spoof or forgery of words attributed to Darwin. Los Angeles Herald (20 November): 6. PDF

Anon. 1888. Darwinisme og Christendom. Tre prædikener af Biskopperne af Carlisle, Bedford og Manchester. Copenhagen: Høst. Text Image

Anon. 1888. Darwin's boyish credulity. Young England. Text Image

Anon. 1889. Death of the head-constable of Devonport. Western morning news (14 January): 5. PDF

Anon. 1891. Bromley Naturalists' Society: Excursion to Keston Rectory, the Rookery, and home of Darwin. Bromley & District Times (7 August): 6. Text

Anon. 1891. In Memoriam. Hensleigh Wedgwood. The Academy (27 June): 610. CUL-DAR210.14.96 PDF

Anon. 1893. A visit to Charles Darwin's home. Cambridge Independent Press (8 September): 7. Text

Anon. 1894. Darwin & Darwinismus. Brockhaus' Konversations=Lexkion. 14th edn. vol. 4: 819-823. Text PDF

Anon. 1894. Darwin's home at Downe (Downe House). Bromley Record (1 January): 15-16. Image

Anon. 1894. Fall of the spire of St. Mary's, Shrewsbury. Bristol Mercury (28 February): 5. Text

Anon. 1894. Proposed Darwin memorial at Shrewsbury. The Times (31 January): 8. Text

Anon. 1894. Proposed memorial to the late Charles Darwin. Public meeting in Shrewsbury. Shrewsbury Chronicle (2 February). offprint Image A537

Anon. 1894. Recollections of Darwin and John Lubbock. Darwin's workshop. Bromley and West Kent Telegraph (17 March): 3. Text

Anon. 1896. Charles R. Darwin in The Library of Historical Characters, etc. William Finley & Co., pp. 46-54. PDF

Anon. 1896. Obituary Death of Mrs. Darwin. Bromley & District Times (9 October): 4. PDF

Anon. 1896. Obituary Mrs. Darwin. Brooklyn Daily Eagle (New York), (5 October): 6. PDF

Anon. 1896. Obituary of Emma Darwin. St James's Gazette (5 October): 13. PDF

Anon. 1896. Obituary of Emma Darwin. The Times (5 October): 6. Text

Anon. 1896. The late Mrs. Darwin. Bromley Record (November): 173-174. Text Image

Anon. 1897. A run to Darwin's Downe. Cycling. Image

Anon. 1897. Down House to be let. The Times (25 February): 16. Text

Anon. 1897. In honour of Darwin – An honour to Salop. Shrewsbury Chronicle (13 August): 6. PDF

Anon. 1900. List of donations books received during the year 1899: From the executors of the late Mrs Darwin. Cambridge University Reporter 30 (41) 15 June: 1079-1080. Text Image

Anon. 1901. Udviklingslaeren. Hoejskolebladet: 717-718. Text Image

Anon. 1903. Darwin's religiously tolerant agnosticism. Sunderland Daily Echo (29 June): 2. Text

Anon. 1904. Folkehoejskolen og Udviklingslaeren. Hoejskolebladet: 1207-1220. Image

Anon. 1908. The naturalist: The Darwin-Wallace Celebration. Field (4 July): 24-25. PDF

Anon. 1909. A visit to Darwin's village: reminiscences of some of his humble friends. Evening News (12 February): 4. Text Image

Anon. 1909. Apocryphal retraction by Darwin after his death. Brief aus dem Jenseits. Kikeriki Austria (21 February): 2. Text

Anon. 1909. Centenary with portrait. Landsbladet (12 February): 1. PDF

Anon. 1909. picture of Charles Darwin, after Collier 1881. Folkelaesning (21). Image

Anon. 1911. Darwin's lodgings. Christ's College Magazine Easter Term: 248-50. Text Image PDF A553

Anon. 1912. Obituary of George Howard Darwin. The Times (9 December): 9. Text

Anon. 1914. Obituary of William Erasmus Darwin. The Times (12 September): 11. Text

Anon. 1925. Obituary of Francis Darwin. The Times (21 September): 14. Text

Anon. 1927. Obituary of Mrs Litchfield. The Times (24 December): 10. Text

Anon. 1927. Recollection of Darwin by gardener Bailey. A glimpse of Darwin. Gardener's story of his life at Downe. Londonderry Sentinel (8 September): 8.

Anon. 1927. Recollection of Darwin by gardener Henry Wheeler. Darwin at home: a crusty, snuff-taking recluse. Sunday Post (4 September): 3. Text PDF

Anon. 1928. Obituary of Horace Darwin. The Times (24 September): 21. Text

Anon. 1932. Darwin at Down: the house and garden. The Times (19 April): 19. Text

Anon. 1939. Recollections of Darwin by George Sales and Bradley Osborne. Weeded Darwin's garden: still lives in unchanged village. Evening Standard (6 May): 16. Text

Anon. 1942. Darwin manuscripts and letters. Nature, no. 3810 (7 November): 535. PDF A2045

Anon. 1943. Obituary of Leonard Darwin. The Times (27 March): 1, 6 and 14. Text

Anon. 1945. Down House during the war. The Advancement of Science 3, no. 11: 280-281. PDF

Anon. [1946.] Historical and descriptive catalogue of the Darwin Memorial at Down House Downe, Kent. British Association for the Advancement of Science. [London: n.p.] 35pp. Text Image PDF / Text Image CUL-DAR132.1 / A6590

Anon. 1958. "Old Price" and Darwin. North Wales Weekly News (24 July): 8. Text

Anon. 1960. Handlist of Darwin papers at the University Library Cambridge. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Text Image PDF

Anon. 1961. Darwin library: list of books received in the University Library Cambridge March-May 1961. Cambridge University Library. Text Image PDF A1036
Annotated copy in the Manuscripts Reading Room in Cambridge University Library: Text Image PDF

Anon. 1961. Obituary Death of Bernard Darwin. Birmingham Daily Post (20 October): 27. Text

Anon. 1962. Darwin: Ein Mord wird gestanden. Der Spiegel no. 52 (26 December): 50-72. Image PDF A2958

Anon. 2009. Charles Darwin: On land and at sea. Cambridge: Christ's College. PDF

Anon. n.d Charles Darwin in Shrewsbury. Shrewsbury: Information Centre for Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough Council. Pamphlet folded into 8 pages. Text Image

Anon. n.d. Charles Darwin in Shrewsbury. Shrewsbury: Information Centre for Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough Council. Text Image A590

Armstrong, P. 1985. Charles Darwin in Western Australia: A young scientist's perception of an environment. Text PDF A587/F3704

Armstrong, P. 1991. Under the blue vault of heaven: A study of Charles Darwin's sojourn in the Cocos (Keeling) Islands. Text PDF A588

Armstrong, P. 1992. Charles Darwin's last island: Terceira, Azores, 1836. Text A591

Armstrong, P. 1992. Darwin's desolate islands: A naturalist in the Falklands, 1833 and 1834. Text PDF A589/F3705

Armstrong, Patrick. 2002. Antlions: A link between Charles Darwin and an early Suffolk naturalist. Transactions of the Suffolk Natural History Society 38: 81-86. Text Image

Armstrong, Patrick. 2004. Darwin's other islands. London: Continuum. Text

Ashworth, J. H. 1935. Charles Darwin as a student in Edinburgh, 1825-1827. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 55: 97-113, pls. 1-2. Text Image A349

Atkins, H. 1976. Down: the home of the Darwins; the story of a house and the people who lived there. London: Royal College of Surgeons Phillimore. Text PDF A668

Atkins, Hedley. 1897. Recollections and letters to Darwin In Memorials, journal and botanical correspondence of Charles Cardale Babington. Cambridge: Macmillan and Bowes. Text

Aveling, E. B. 1883. The religious views of Charles Darwin. London: Freethought Publishing Company. Text Image

B.N. 1900. On Darwin's botanical activities. Botanická činnost Darwinova. Praha: Matice česká při Museu Království českého, vol. 10:7: 198-201. PDF

Bacon, G. W. 1882. The life of Charles Darwin, with British opinion on evolution. Compiled by G. W. Bacon, F.R.G.S. London: G. W. Bacon & Co. Text Image PDF A2951

Bain, Alexander. 1883. Recollection of Darwin. On some points in ethics. Mind 8 (January): 48-68, p. 58. Text

Bain, Francis William. 1903. De vi physica et imbecillitate Darwiniana disputavit. Oxford: James Parker. PDF

Baldwin, James Mark. 1909. Darwin and the humanities. Baltimore: Review publishing. PDF

Balfour, John Hutton. 1882. Obituary Notice of Charles Robert Darwin. Transactions & Proceedings of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh. 14: 284-8. Text Image

Banks, M. R. 1971. A Darwin manuscript on Hobart Town. Papers and proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 105: 5-19. Text Image PDF F1829

Banks, M. R. & D. Leaman eds. 1999. Charles Darwin's Field Notes on the geology of Hobart Town. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 133(1): 29-50. Text Image PDF F1821

Barlow, N. 1932. Robert FitzRoy and Charles Darwin. Cornhill Magazine (April): 493-510. Text Image A536

Barlow, N. 1935. Charles Darwin and the Galapagos Islands. Nature 136 (7 September): 391. Text F2112

Barlow, N. ed. 1933. Charles Darwin's diary of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle. Text Image PDF F1566

Barlow, N. ed. 1945. Charles Darwin and the voyage of the Beagle. Text Image PDF F1571

Barlow, N. ed. 1958. The autobiography of Charles Darwin 1809-1882. With the original omissions restored. Edited and with appendix and notes by his grand-daughter Nora Barlow. Text Image PDF F1497

Barlow, N. ed. 1963. Darwin's ornithological notes. Bulletin BMNH (Hist.) 2, No. 7, pp. 201-278. With introduction, notes & appendix by the editor. Text Image PDF F1577

Barlow, N. ed. 1967. Darwin and Henslow. The growth of an idea. Text Image PDF F1598

Barrett, P. H. 1960. A transcription of Darwin's first notebook B on 'Transmutation of species'. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard 122: 245-296, for 1959-1960 (April). Text Image F1575 Since superceded by F1817

Barrett, P. H. 1974. Early writings of Charles Darwin. In Gruber, H. E., Darwin on man. London: Wildwood.
Notebooks M, N, Old and useless notes, Essay on theology and natural selection, Questions for Mr. Wynne, Extracts from B-C-D-E transmutation notebooks, A Biographical Sketch of Charles Darwin's Father, Plinian Society Minutes Book
Text F1582 Since superceded by F1817

Barrett, P. H. 1974. The Sedgwick-Darwin geologic tour of North Wales. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 118, No. 2. (19 April): 146-164. Text Image PDF F1964

Barrett, P. H. 1977. On the Ova of Flustra, or, Early Notebook, Containing Observations Made by C.D. When He Was at Edinburgh, March 1827. In Collected papers of Charles Darwin. 2 vols. Chicago: University Press, 2: 285-91. Text F1583a

Barrett, P. H. ed. 1960. A transcription of Darwin's first notebook B on 'Transmutation of species'. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard 122: 245-296, for 1959-1960 (April). Text Image F1575 Since superceded by F1817

Barrett, P. H., et al eds. 1987. Charles Darwin's notebooks, 1836-1844: Geology, transmutation of species, metaphysical enquiries. Text F1817

Bell, Edward. 1902. Letter to the editor. The Primrose and Darwinism. Nature (9 October): 574-6. PDF

Bennike, Valdemar. 1890. Menneske og Abe. Hoejskolebladet: 107-112. Text Image

Besancenet, A. de. 1892. Charles Darwin (1809-1882). Les Contemporains (Paris) No. 11 (25 December): 1-16. Text Image A352

Bettany, G. T. 1887. Life of Charles Darwin. London: Walter Scott. Text Image A75

Blackman, F. F. 1932. Obituary notice of Francis Darwin. (With portrait). 1848-1925. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 110: i-xxi. Text Image A346

Blomefield, Leonard. 1887. Chapters in my life: With appendix containing special notices of particular incidents and persons. Bath: privately printed. Text Image PDF

Blume, Astrid. 1904. Den Kristne Boernelaerdom - Nogle Bemaerkninger i Anledning af Vilh. Rasmussen: 'Udviklingslaeren og Folkeskolen'. Vor Ungdom: 440-443 Text Image

Blume, Astrid. 1905. Udviklingslaeren og Folkeskolen - Repliker. Vor Ungdom: 194-195. Text Image

Boeving-Petersen, J. O. 1897. Skabelse og Udvikling. Studentersamfundets Smaaskrifter. Copenhagen: Schubothe. Text Image

Boeving-Petersen, J. O. 1906. Det Sidste Punktum. Dansk Ungdom: 453. Image

Boletin de Informaciones. 1959. Various papers about Darwin. Boletin de Informaciones Cientificas Nacionales 89: 1-139. PDF

Bölsche, W. 1908. Darwin als Reisender. Kosmos 5 (12): 377-381. Image A880

Bordalejo, B. 2009, 2012. Online Variorum of Darwin's Origin of Species. In John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online (

Boulger, George S., et al. 1884. Tributes of Darwin as recorded in the minutes of meetings. Transactions of the Essex Field Club 3 (April). Text

Bowen, Elizabeth. 1934. The mulberry tree Downe House. In Greene, Graham ed., The old school: essays by divers hands. London: Jonathan Cape, pp. 45-59. Text Image

Bradford, G. 1926. Darwin. Boston & New York: Houghton Mifflin. Text Image PDF A875

Bridge, J. Frederick. 1882. Words of Anthem composed by J. Frederick Bridge (Mus. Doc Oxon.) for the Funeral of Charles Darwin Esq. Westminster Abbey. offprint. Text Image

Bryant, G. E. 1942. New species of Chrysomelidae, Halticinae (Coleopt.), collected by Charles Darwin during the voyage of the 'Beagle', 1832-1836. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Ser. 11) 9: 99-107. Text Image PDF

Bryce, J. 1909. Personal Reminiscences of Charles Darwin and of the Reception of the "Origin of Species". Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 48, No. 193 (September): iii-xiv. Text Image A241

Büchner, Ludwig. 1901. Recollection of Darwin's religious views. Last Words on Materialism and Kindred Subjects, translated by Joseph McCabe. London: Watts and Co., pp. 147-8. Text

Buob, L. 1882. Darwin's Heim. Ueber Land und Meer. Allgemeine illustrierte Zeitung no. 34: 691-2, 1 pl. p. 688. Text Image

Burke, H. F. 1888. Pedigree of Darwin. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica. 2d ser., 3: 12-21, plus 2 bookplates not in offprint version. PDF A3306

Burke, H. F. 1888. Pedigree of the family of Darwin. [offprint] Image PDF A163 [See Freeman, Darwin Pedigrees, 1984, Text A303]

Burton, M. 1958. Centenary of Darwin's ideas. Illustrated London News (19 July): 116. PDF

Burton, M. 1958. David (Cannon) and Goliath (Darwin). Illustrated London News (5 July): 32. PDF

Bury, J. P. T. 1967. Romilly's Cambridge Diary 1832-42. Selected passages from the diary of the Rev. Joseph Romilly Fellow of Trinity College and Registrary of the University of Cambridge. Cambridge: University Press, p. 110. Text

Butler, Annie R. 1886. An anecdote of Darwin and Fitzroy's landing at Waimate, New Zealand in 1835. In Glimpses of Maori Land. The Religious Tract Society, London. Text

Butler, Samuel. 1911. Evolution, old and new: or the theories of Buffon, Dr. Erasmus Darwin, and Lamarck, as compared with that of Charles Darwin. New York: E. P. Dutton. PDF

Cadman, Parkes, S. 1911. Lecture 1: Charles Darwin. Charles Darwin and other English thinkers. Pilgrim Press (New York), pp. 3-44. PDF

Canestrini, Giovanni. 1882. Obituary of Darwin. Nuova Antologia di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, 63: 7-16. PDF

Carpenter, W. B. 1882. Charles Darwin: his life and work. Modern Review 3: 500-24. Text Image A7

Carroll, P. T. ed. 1976. An annotated calendar of the letters of Charles Darwin in the Library of the American Philosophical Society; foreword by Frederick Burkhardt. Wilmington, Del.: Scholarly Resources. PDF A286

Champion, George C. 1918. Notes on various South American Coleoptera collected by Charles Darwin during the voyage of the Beagle, with descriptions of new genera and species. Entomologists' Monthly Magazine 54: 43-55. Text Image PDF

Chancellor, Gordon. 1990. Charles Darwin's St Helena Model Notebook. Bulletin BMNH (Hist.) 18, No. 2: 203-228. Text Image PDF F1839

Chancellor, Gordon, A. diMauro, R. Ingle, G. King. 1988. Charles Darwin's Beagle Collections in the Oxford University Museum. Archives of Natural History 15 (2): 197-231. Text Image F1838

Chancellor, Gordon & John van Wyhe eds. with K. Rookmaaker. 2009. Charles Darwin's notebooks from the voyage of the Beagle. Foreword by Richard Darwin Keynes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. PDF F2044

Chancellor, John. 2007. FitzRoy's Beagle. Previously unpublished manuscript c. 1980. Introduction Text

Chancellor, John. 2007. FitzRoy's Beagle. Previously unpublished manuscript c. 1980. Text

Christjansen, Peder. 1904. Om Udviklinglaeren på Hoejskolen. Hoejskolebladet: 1373-1376 Text Image

Chua, Christine with assistance from John van Wyhe. 2020. Some original sketches of Alfred Russel Wallace in contemporary newspapers. PDF

Clark, J. W. and T. M. Hughes eds. 1890. The walking tour in North Wales. In The life and letters of the Reverend Adam Sedgwick. 1: 379-81. Text Image

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