Darwin's works in translation

This page lists the the principal translations of Darwin's work available in Darwin Online.

One of the aims of Darwin Online is to provide Darwin's works in all existing translations. You can help by lending or scanning works still needed here.

The most complete list of Darwin's works in translation is the Freeman Bibliographical Database. Select the desired language on the search page.

See Darwin in translation by John van Wyhe.

Letters on Geology

[1835]. Extracts from letters addressed to Professor Henslow. German: Text F4042

Journal of Researches (or Voyage of the Beagle) Click to see illustrations


1955. 达尔文日记 乘军舰比格尔号环航世界一周考察博物地质记. 黄素封译. 上海: 上海商务印书馆. PDF F1842

1957. 一个自然科学家在贝格尔舰上的环球旅行记. 周邦立译. 北京: 北京科学出版社. PDF F1843

1998. 一个自然科学家在贝尔格舰上的环球旅行记. 周邦立译, 叶笃庄修订. 台北 : 台湾商务印书馆. PDF F2179


1922. Put jednoga prirodoslovca oko zemlje: svezak 1. PDF F2412.1

Danish Click to see illustrations

1870. Rejseiagttagelser. Introduction Image PDF F1834

1876. Rejse om Jorden. Introduction Text Image PDF F174


[1891]. De reis van de "Beagle": dagboek van de onderzoekingen. Image PDF F176


1924. Matka maapallon ympäri. PDF F179a


1875. Voyage d'un naturaliste autour du monde. Text Image PDF F181


1844. Naturwissenschaftliche Reise. Image
PDF F188.2

1875. Reise eines Naturforschers um die Welt. PDF F189


1900. Journal of researches. [Tierra del Fuego], chapter 10. PDF F206


1913. Egy természettudós utazása a Föld körül. 2 vols.
PDF F208.2


[1872]. Viaggio di un naturalista intorno al mondo. Text Image PDF F211


1912. Journal of researches. PDF F2312


1887. Podróż na okręcie "Beagle". PDF F223

1959. Podróż na okręcie "Beagle". PDF F224


1997. Viagens do Adventure e do Beagle: Diário e anotações, 1832-1836. (chapter 1) Text F2037


1958. Calatoria unui naturalist in jurul lumii pe bordul vasului Beagle. PDF F225


1865. Journal of researches.
PDF F2383.1
PDF F2383.2

1976. Journal of Researches. 3d ed. Text F1922


1921. Diaro del viaje de un naturalista alrededor del mundo.
vol. 1 Image PDF F252.1
vol. 2 Image PDF F252.2

1932. Diaro del viaje de un naturalista alrededor del mund.
vol. 1 PDF F3369

1942. Viaje de un naturalista alrededor del mundo. Image PDF F255

1945. Viaje de un naturalista alrededor del mundo. PDF F255b


1872. En naturforskares Resa omkring jorden. Image PDF F259

Geology of The Voyage of The Beagle Click to see illustrations


1878. Les récifs de corail leur structure et leur distribution. Text Image PDF F309

1902. Observations géologiques sur les iles volcaniques. Text Image PDF F310


1876. Über den Bau und die Verbreitung der Corallen-Riffe. Text Image PDF F311

1877. Geologische Beobachtungen über die Vulcanischen Inseln. Text Image PDF F312

1878. Geologische Beobachtungen über Süd-Amerika. Text Image PDF F313


1888. Sulla struttura e distribuzione dei banchi di corallo e delle isole madreporiche. PDF F318


1906. Jeolojia de la América Meridional. PDF F324


1906. Geology of The Voyage of The Beagle [in Spanish]. PDF F324

Manual of Scientific Enquiry


1857. Geologia. In Manual de investigaciones científicas; dispuesto. Text Image F2073

On the Tendency of Species to form Varieties

1870. Charles Darwin und Alfred Russel Wallace. Ihre ersten Publicationen über die Entstehung der Arten. PDF F365

On the Origin of Species Click to see illustrations


[2004]. The origin of species [in Arabic]. PDF F2476


1954-56. 物种起源. 周建人, 叶笃莊, 方宗熙译. 北京: 三联书店. PDF F1852

1957. 物种原始. 马君武译. 台北: 台湾中华书局. PDF F1854

1972. 物种起源. 谢蕴贞译, 伍献文, 陈世骧校. PDF F640a


1872. Om Arternes Oprindelse ved Kvalitetsvalg eller ved de heldigst stillede Formers Sejr i Kampen for Tilvaerelsen. Introduction Text Image PDF F643

1909. Om Arternes Oprindelse ved Kvalitetsvalg eller ved de heldigst stillede Formers Sejr i Kampen for Tilvaerelsen. Text Image PDF F644

1913. Om Arternes Oprindelse ved Kvalitetsvalg eller ved de heldigst stillede Formers Sejr i Kampen for Tilvaerelsen. Text Image PDF F645


1860. Het ontstaan der soorten van dieren en planten door middel van de natuurkeus, of het bewaard blijven van bevoorregte rassen in de strijd des levens.
vol. 1 Text Image PDF
(corrected text in PDF) F2056.1
vol. 2 Text Image PDF
(corrected text in PDF) F2056.2

1889. Het ontstaan der soorten. 3d ed. PDF F650


1928. Lajien synty luonnollisen valinnan kautta eli Luonnon suosimien rotujen säilyminen taistelussa olemassaolosta. PDF F2026


1862. De l'origine des espèces ou des lois du progrès chez les êtres organisés. Text Image PDF F655

1866. L'origine des espèces par sélection naturelle ou des lois de transformation des êtres organisés. Text Image PDF F656

1870. L'origine des espèces par sélection naturelle ou des lois de transformation des êtres organisés. Image PDF F657

1873. L'origine des espèces au moyen de la sélection naturelle, ou la lutte pour l'existence dans la nature. Text Image PDF F660

1876. L'origine des espèces au moyen de la sélection naturelle, ou la lutte pour l'existence dans la nature. PDF F661

[1907]. L'origine des espèces: au moyen de la sélection naturelle ou la lutte pour l'éxistence dans la nature. Text PDF F668


1860. Über die Entstehung der Arten. Text Image PDF F672

[1862-]1863. Über die Entstehung der Arten. 2d edf. Image PDF F673

1867. Über die Entstehung der Arten. 3d ed. Text Image PDF F674

1876. Über die Entstehung der Arten. 6th ed. Text Image PDF F677

1916. Die Entstehung der Arten. Image PDF F693


1905-06. A fajok eredete. PDF F2376

1911. A fajok eredete.
vol. 1 PDF F704.1
vol. 2 PDF F704.2

2004. A fajok eredete. PDF F3435


1864. Sulla origine delle specie per elezione naturale. Image PDF F706

1875. Sulla origine delle specie per elezione naturale. Image PDF F707

1933. Sulla origine delle specie per elezione naturale. PDF F714


1896. The origin of species. PDF F718

1905. The origin of species. PDF F719

1924. The origin of species. PDF F2324


2017. Asal usul spesies jilid 1. PDF F2195 [incomplete]


1889-90. Arternes oprindelse. PDF F2164


19xx. Mansha-e anva (منشا انواع). PDF F2522


1884-5. O powstawaniu gatunków drogą naturalnego doboru czyli o utrzymywaniu. Image PDF F740a

1959. O powstawaniu gatunków drogą doboru naturalnego. PDF F742


2009. A origem das espécies. Text PDF F2062.7


1957. Originea speciilor prin selecţie naturală sau păstrarea raselor favorizate în lupta pentru existenţă. PDF F747


1864. The origin of species. PDF F748

1865. The origin of species. 2d ed. PDF F749

1991. The origin of species. Text F763b


1877. Origen de las especies. Text Image PDF F770

[1880?]. Orígen de las especies por medio de la seleccion natural. PDF F771

1921. El origen de las especies por medio de la seleccion natural.
Image PDF F776.1
Image PDF F776.2
Image PDF F776.3


1871. Om arternas uppkomst genom naturligt urval eller De bäst utrustade rasernas bestånd i kampen för tillvaron. PDF F793


1976 Türlerin Kökeni. PDF F2543

Fertilisation of Orchids Click to see illustrations


1965. 兰花的传粉: 兰花借助于昆虫传粉 的种种技巧. 228页. 唐进, 汪发缵, 陈心啓, 胡昌序译. 北京: 北京科学出版社. PDF F817c


1870. De la fécondation des orchidées par les insectes et des bons résultats du croisement. Text Image PDF F818


1862. Die verschiedenen Einrichtungen durch welche Orchideen von Insecten befruchtet werden. PDF F820

1877. Die verschiedenen Einrichtungen durch welche Orchideen von Insecten befruchtet werden. Text Image PDF F821


1883. I diversi apparecchi col mezzo dei quali le orchidee vengono fecondate dagli insetti. Image PDF F823

1964. Efectele fecundarii incrucisate si ale autofecundarii in regnul vegetal. Diferitele dispozitive cu ajutorul carora orhideele sint fecundate de catre insecte. PDF F1271

Climbing Plants Click to see illustrations


1957. 攀援植物的运动和习性. 102页. 张肇骞译, 婁昌后编辑. 北京: 北京科学出版社. PDF F857a


1877. Les mouvements et les habitudes des plantes grimpantes. Text Image PDF F858


1876. Die Bewegungen und Lebensweise der kletternden Pflanzen. Text Image PDF F860


1878. I movimenti e le abitudini delle piante rampicanti. PDF F863

Variation under Domestication Click to see illustrations


1957-58. 动物和植物在家养下的变异. 叶笃庄, 方宗熙译. 北京: 北京科学出版社.
vol. 1 PDF F909a.1
vol. 2 PDF F909a.2

1973. 动物和植物在家养下的变异. 叶笃庄, 方宗熙译. 北京: 北京科学出版社. PDF F909d


[1889-90]. Het varieeren van huisdieren en cultuurplanten.
vol. 1. PDF F910.1
vol. 2. PDF F910.2


1868. De la variation des animaux et des plantes sous l'action de la domestication.
vol. 1 Text Image PDF F912.1
vol. 2 Text Image PDF F912.2

1879-80. De la variation des animaux et des plantes à l'état domestique.
vol. 1 Text Image PDF F913.1
vol. 2 Text Image PDF F913.2


1868. Das Variiren der Thiere und Pflanzen im Zustande der Domestication.
vol. 1. Text Image PDF F914.1
vol. 2. Text Image PDF F914.2


1876. Variazione degli animali e delle piante allo stato domestico. Image PDF F920


1888-9. Zmienność zwierząt i roślin w stanie kultury.
vol. 1 Image PDF F922.1
vol. 2 Image PDF F922.2

1959. Zmienność zwierząt i roślin w stanie udomowienia.
vol. 1 PDF F923.1
vol. 2 PDF F923.2


1963. Variaţia animalelor şi plantelor sub influenţa domesticirii. PDF F924

The Descent of Man Click to see illustrations


n.d. Descent of man. vol. 1. PDF F2394.1


1930. 人类原始及类择. 马君武译. 上海: 上海商务印书馆. PDF F1866

1939. 人类原始及类择. 马君武译. : 长沙: 商务印书馆. PDF F1896


1906. Descent of man. PDF F1048


1874-75. Menneskets Afstamning og Parringsvalget. Introduction
vol. 1. Text Image PDF F1050.1
vol. 2. Text Image PDF F1050.2


1871-72. De afstamming van den mensch en de seksueele teeltkeus. PDF F1053


1872-73. La descendance de l'homme et la sélection sexuelle.
vol. 1 Image PDF F1058.1
vol. 2 Image PDF F1058.2

1881. La descendance de l'homme... 3d ed. Text PDF F1061

1891. La descendance de l'homme... Text Image PDF F1062

1907. La descendance de l'homme... Paris: Schleicher Frères. PDF F1063


1871[-2]. Die Abstammung des Menschen und die geschlechtliche Zuchtwahl. 2d ed.
vol. 1 Text Image PDF F1065.1
vol. 2 Image PDF F1065.2

1875. Die Abstammung des Menschen... 3d ed.
vol. 1. Text Image PDF F1066.1
vol. 2. Text Image PDF F1066.2


1906. Az ember származása és az ivari kiválás. PDF F2379 (missing first 14pp)


1871. L'origine dell'uomo e la scelta in rapporto col sesso. PDF F1088


1881. Descent of man.
vol. 1 PDF F1099c.1
vol. 2 PDF F1099c.2
vol. 3 PDF F1099c.3

1887. Descent of man. PDF F2333

1909. Descent of man. PDF F1099d

1926. Descent of man. PDF F2335


1875-6. Dobór płciowy.
vol. 1 Image PDF F1101b.1
vol. 2 Image PDF F1101b.2

1884. O pochodzeniu człowieka. 2d Polish ed. Image PDF F1101a

1959. O Pochodzeniu człowieka.
vol. 1 PDF F1103.1
vol. 2 PDF F1103.2


1967. Descendenţa omului şi selecţia sexuală. PDF F1106


1871-72. Descent of man. PDF F1108

1874. Descent of man. 2d revised ed. PDF F1110


1876. El origen del hombre: La seleccion natural y la sexual. (Primera versión española). PDF F1122a

1880. El origen del hombre: la seleccion natural y la sexual. Text Image PDF F1122b

1885. La descendencia del hombre y la seleccion en la relacion al sexo. 2d ed. Revised and augmented. PDF F1122c


1872. Menniskans Härledning och Könsurvalet. PDF F1136


1975. Descent of man. PDF F1137b


2006. Nguồn gốc của muôn loài. PDF F2065


1926. Die Oyfstammung fun menschen. Image PDF F1139

The Expression of the Emotions Click to see illustrations


1939. 人及动物之表情. 周建侯译. 上海: 上海商务印书馆. PDF F1180a

1958. 人类和动物的表情. 周邦立译. 北京: 北京科学出版社. PDF F1180b

1999. 人与动物的情. 余人等译. 成都: 四川人民出版社. PDF F2128


1873. Het uitdrukken der gemoedsaandoeningen bij den mensch en de dieren. Image PDF F1182

1890. Het uitdrukken der gemoedsaandoeningen... New ed. PDF F1183


1874. L'Expression des émotions chez l'homme et les animaux. Image PDF F1184

1890. L'expression des Émotions... 2d ed. Text Image PDF F1186


1872. Der Ausdruck der Gemüthsbewegungen bei dem Menschen und den Thieren. Image PDF F1187

1877. Der Ausdruck der Gemüthsbewegungen... 3d ed. Text Image PDF F1189


1873. А nevetésröl: Еву fejezet Darwin legújabb můvéböl. PDF F1849


1878. L'espressione dei sentimenti nell'uomo e negli animali. PDF F1200


1921. Expression of the emotions. PDF F1202b


1873. Wyraz uczuć u człowieka i zwierząt. Image PDF F1203

1959. O wyrazie uczuć u człowieka i zwierząt. PDF F1204


1967. Expresia emoţiilor la om şi animale. Despre instinct. PDF F1205


1872. Expression of the emotions. PDF F1206


[c.1903]. La expresión de las emociones en el hombre y en los animales.
vol. 1 Image PDF F1214.1
vol. 2 PDF F1214.2

Insectivorous Plants Click to see illustrations


1877. Les plantes insectivores. Image PDF F1237


1876. Insectenfressende Pflanzen. Text Image PDF F1238


1878. Le piante insettivore. PDF F1242


1965. Diferite forme de flori de pe plante de aceeasi specie & plante insectivore. PDF F1243


1876. Insectivorous plants. PDF F1244

Cross and Self Fertilisation


1877. Des effets de la fécondation croisée et de la fécondation directe dans le règne végétal. Text Image PDF F1265


1877. Die Wirkungen der Kreuz- und Selbst-Befruchtung im Pflanzenreich. Text Image PDF F1266


1878. Gli effetti della fecondazione incrociata e propria nel regno vegetale. PDFF1269


1959. Skutki krzyżowania i samozapładniania w świecie roślin. PDF F1270


1964. Efectele fecundarii incrucisate si ale autofecundarii in regnul vegetal. Diferitele dispozitive cu ajutorul carora orhideele sint fecundate de catre insecte. PDF F1271

Different Forms of Flowers Click to see illustrations


1878. Des différentes formes de fleurs dans les plantes de la même espèce. Image PDF F1296


1877. Die verschiedenen Blüthenformen an Pflanzen der nämlichen Art. Text Image PDF F1297


1884. Le diverse forme dei fiori in piante della stessa specie. Image PDF F1299


1965. Diferite forme de flori de pe plante de aceeasi specie & plante insectivore. PDF F1243

Flowers and Their Unbidden Guests

1878. Prefatory letter. Kerner, Flowers and their unbidden guests.
German: Text Image PDF F3443

Erasmus Darwin Click to see illustrations


1880. Erasmus Darwin und seine Stellung in der Geschichte der Descendenz-Theorie von Ernst Krause. Mit seineme Lebens- und Charakterbilde von Charles Darwin. Text Image PDF F1323

The Power of Movement in Plants Click to see illustrations


1882. La faculté motrice dans les plantes. Image PDF F1342


1881. Das Bewegungsvermögen der Pflanzen. Text Image PDF F1343


1884. I potere di movimento nelle piante. PDF F1347

Biographical sketch of an infant


1877. Biografikon schediasma mikrou-tinos paidiou. Estia, Ekdidotai Kata Kyriakèn, 4 (25 December): 817-825. Image F2005

Vegetable Mould and Worms Click to see illustrations


1882. Role des vers de terre dans la formation de la terre végétale. Text Image PDF F1403


1882. Die Bildung der Ackererde durch die Thätigkeit der Würmer. Text Image PDF F1404


1882. La formazione della terra vegetale per l'azione dei lombrici con osservazioni intorno ai loro costumi. PDF F1407

Animal Intelligence

1882. [Extracts from Darwin's notes on instinct]. Romanes, Animal intelligence.
French: PDF F1429
German: PDF F1444

Essay on Instinct

1883. A posthumous essay on instinct [and extracts from notes]. In Romanes, Mental evolution in animals.
French: PDF F1441
German: PDF F4061, Text Images PDF F1445, PDF F4034


Life and Letters and Autobiography Click to see illustrations


1935. 达尔文自传. 全巨荪译. 上海: 上海商务印书馆. PDF F2129

1939. 达尔文自传. 全巨蓀译. 上海: 上海商务印书馆. PDF F1510d

1982. 达尔文年谱. 笔名:毕黎译 (周邦立). 北京: 北京商务印书馆. PDF F1510l


1987. Elämäni. PDF F2028(Autobiography)


1888. La vie et la correspondance de Charles Darwin avec un chapitre autobiographique.
vol. 1 Image PDF F1514.1
vol. 2 Image PDF F1514.2


1887. Leben und Briefe von Charles Darwin mit einem seine Autobiographie enthaltenden Capitel.
vol. 1 PDF F1515.1
vol. 2 PDF F1515.2
vol. 3 PDF F1515.3

1893. Charles Darwin. Sein Leben, dargestellt in einem autobiographischen Capitel und in einer ausgewählten Reihe seiner veröffentlichten Briefe. PDF F1516


1891. Autobiography. PDFF2339


1930. Čarlzs Darvins: Dzīve un mācība. PDF F2781

Norwegian/Danish Click to see illustrations

1889. Charles Darwins liv og breve med et kapitel selvbiografi. Introduction
vol. 1 Text Image PDF F1528.1
vol. 2 Text Image PDF F1528.2
vol. 3 Text Image PDF F1528.3

1909. Charles Darwin Selvbiografi. Text Image PDF F1512


1891. Autobiografia i wybór listów. Wydane przez Syna, Franciszka Darwina. PDF F1529

1960. Autobiografia i wybór listów. PDF F1531


2019. [1838 Autobiographical fragment]. Text F2230


1896. Autobiography. PDF F1534

1957. Vospominanii͡a o razvitii moego uma i kharaktera (avtobiografii͡a); dnevnik raboty i zhizni. PDF F1540

1959. Autobiography. Text F1541


1945. Autobiografía de Darwin. Text F2442

Sketches of 1842 and 1844 Click to see illustrations


1911. Die Fundamente zur Entstehung der Arten. Text Image PDF F1561


1915. Foundations of The origin of species. PDF F1563a


1999. Origin of species [chapters 3, 4 & 14/15], Descent of Man [vol. 1 chapters 1, 2, 4 & 6, vol. 2 chapter 8] and Expression of the emotions [chapter 13].[In Chinese]
1999. 解开演化奥秘的人: 作品选读. 王道还译. 台北: 台湾诚品公司. PDF F2184

Published manuscript transcripts

Barlow, N. ed. 1933. Charles Darwin's diary of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle. Text Image PDF F1566

巴尔罗 诺拉. 1958. 达尔文在贝格尔舰上的旅行日记. 周邦立译. 北京: 北京科学出版社. PDF F1566a

Barlow, N. ed. 1945. Charles Darwin and the voyage of the Beagle. Text Image PDF F1571 Click to see illustrations

巴尔罗·诺拉. 1958. 查尔斯·达尔文在贝格尔舰上的旅行. 周邦立译. 北京: 北京科学出版社. PDF F1883g

Collections of Short Papers

Note: The largest collection of Darwin's short papers ever published is in Darwin Online, here.

1886. Krause ed. Gesammelte kleinere Schriften von Charles Darwin.
vol. 1. Text Image PDF A501.1
vol. 2. Text Image PDF F1602

1878. Carus ed. Kleinere geologische Abhandlungen. Text image PDF F1601

1838. Sur trois espèce du genre Felis. L'Institut 6 (235): 210-211.   Text   Image


On the formation of mould. Proceedings of the Geological Society of London.
German: PDF F4039


Observations on the parallel roads of Glen Roy, and of other parts of Lochaber in Scotland, with an attempt to prove that they are of marine origin. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. Click to see illustrations
German: PDF
(section VIII) F4033

Note on a rock seen on an iceberg in 61° south latitude. Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London.
German: Text PDF F4032

Ueber die Luftshifferei der Spinnen. Neue Notizen aus dem Gebiete der Natur- und Heilkunde. Image PDF F1654

Der fucus giganteus in der Magellan=Strasse. Neue Notizen aus dem Gebiete der Natur- und Heilkunde. Image PDF F3424 

Von Corallen=Inseln. Neue Notizen aus dem Gebiete der Natur- und Heilkunde. Image PDF F3425

Von Vulcanen. Neue Notizen aus dem Gebiete der Natur- und Heilkunde. Image PDF F3426


On the connexion of certain volcanic phenomena in South America; and on the formation of mountain chains and volcanos, as the effect of the same powers by which continents are elevated. Transactions of the Geological Society of London. Click to see illustrations
German: PDF F1656b

[Letter to Eugène Robert, 1838]. Robert, Voyage en Islande et au Groënland exécuté pendant les années 1835 et 1836 sur la corvette La Recherche. Minéralogie et Géologie. 1st Part. Text Image PDF F3418


On the distribution of erratic boulders and on the contemporaneous unstratified deposits of South America. Proceedings of the Geological Society of London.
German: PDF F4037


Notes on the effects produced by the ancient glaciers of Caernarvonshire, and on the boulders transported by floating ice. London, Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine.
German: PDF F4038


Report of a committee appointed "to consider of the rules by which the nomenclature of zoology may be established on a uniform and permanent basis"'. Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science.
French: Text
Image PDF F1661c


Observations on the structure and propagation of the genus Sagitta. Annals and Magazine of Natural History.
French: Text Image PDF F1664a
German: PDF F4016

Brief descriptions of several terrestrial planariae, and of some remarkable marine species, with an account of their habits. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. Click to see illustrations
German: PDF F4017


An account of the fine dust which often falls on vessels in the Atlantic ocean. Quarterly Journal of the Geological. Society of London.
German: PDF F4040


On the transportal of erratic boulders from a lower to a higher level. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London.
German: PDF F4030


On the power of icebergs to make rectilinear uniformly-directed grooves across a submarine undulatory surface. The London, Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine.
German: PDF F4031

Does sea-water kill seeds? Gardeners' Chronicle.
German: PDF F3350


On the action of sea-water on the germination of seeds. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London (Botany).
German: PDF F4009

Bees and the fertilisation of kidney beans. Gardeners' Chronicle.
German: PDF F4020


Lyell, Hooker, Darwin and Wallace. On the tendency of species to form varieties; and on the perpetuation of varieties and species by natural means of selection. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology. Introduction
German: PDF F365, PDF F366

On the agency of bees in the fertilisation of papilionaceous flowers, and on the crossing of kidney beans. Gardeners' Chronicle.
German: PDF F4021


Fertilisation of Vincas. Gardeners' Chronicle.
German: PDF F4022

Vincas. Gardeners' Chronicle.
German: Text PDF F4023


Findet bei den Bienen in den verschiedenen Theilen Deutschlands ein Unterschied statt? Bienen Zeitung. Text Image PDF F1718a

On the three remarkable sexual forms of Catasetum tridentatum, an orchid in the possession of the Linnean Society. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. (Botany).
French: Images PDF F1967

On the two forms, or dimorphic condition, in the species of Primula, and on their remarkable sexual relations. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London (Botany). Click to see illustrations
French: Images PDF F1967


On the so-called "auditory-sac" of Cirripedes. Natural History Review.
German: PDF F4018

On the existence of two forms, and on their reciprocal sexual relation, in several species of the genus Linum. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Botany). Click to see illustrations
French: Images PDF F1967
German: PDF F3368


[Letter to F. M. Malvern]. Ein Brief Darwin's. Neue Freie Presse. Text Image F2492

Pangenesis.—Mr. Darwin's reply to Professor Delpino. Scientific Opinion.
Italian: Text Image PDF F2071


Charles Darwin und Alfred Russel Wallace. Ihre ersten Publicationen über die Entstehung der Arten. PDF F365

Notes on the habits of the pampas woodpecker (Colaptes campestris). Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. T
German: Text PDF F4004


Pangenesis. Nature.
German: PDF F4010

Fertilisation of Leschenaultia. Gardeners' Chronicle. Click to see illustrations
German: PDF F4024


[Letter to Paolo Mantegazza]. Archivio della Società Italiana di Antropologia e di Etnologia. PDF F2548


Inherited instinct. Nature.
German: Text PDF F4001

Origin of certain instincts. Nature.
German: PDF F4002

Instinct: Perception in ants. Nature.
German: Text PDF F4000

Habits of ants. Nature.
German: Text PDF F4006

On the males and complemental males of certain cirripedes, and on rudimentary structures. Nature.
German: PDF F4011

Darwin, G. H. Variations of organs. Nature.
German: PDF F4012


[Letter to Eugene Desmarest]. Annales de la Societe entomologique de France. Text F3346

[Letter to A. W. Malm]. Göteborgsposten. Text PDF F3354

[Letter of thanks to the Entomological Society of France]. Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France. Text Image PDF F2127

Fertilisation of the Fumariaceae. Nature.
German: PDF F4025

Flowers of the primrose destroyed by birds. Nature.
German: Text PDF F3348

Flowers of the primrose destroyed by birds. Nature.
German: Text PDF F3348


Cherry blossoms. Nature.
German: Text PDF F4003

Sexual selection in relation to monkeys. Nature.
German: PDF F4015

[Letter to Zacharias, 1875?]. Zacharias, Darwins Einwände gegen die Cohn'sche Hypothese über die Befruchtungs= und Vererbungsvorgänge. Das Ausland. Text Image PDF F3421
Dutch: Text PDF F3423


[Letter to Anton Kerner]. Neue Freie Presse. Text PDF F2546

Holly berries. Gardeners' Chronicle.
German: PDF F4059

A biographical sketch of an infant. Mind. Text Image PDF F1779
Chinese: Text F3367
Dutch: Text PDF F3430
French: Text F1311
German: PDF F1312 (with additional matter), PDF F1313
Greek: Images F2005
Spanish: Text PDF F3439

Fritz Müller on flowers and insects. Nature.
German: PDF F4026

Aus einem Briefe von Mr. Charles Darwin an die Redaktion. Kosmos. Text Image PDF F3333


Fritz Müller on a frog having eggs on its back - on the abortion of the hairs on the legs of certain caddis-flies, &c. Nature.Click to see illustrations
German: PDF F4013


Fertility of hybrids from the common and Chinese goose. Nature.
German: PDF F1786b, PDF F4007

The sexual colours of certain butterflies. Nature.
German: PDF F1787b


Movements of plants. Nature.
German: PDF F4027

[Letter to Emily Talbot on the mental and bodily development of infants]. Journal of Speculative Philosophy. (see F2020, A497 & F1548.2)
French: Text PDF F3420

Letter on Vivisection

Mr. Darwin on vivisection. The Times.

Las vivisecciones y Carlos Darwin. El Siglo Médico. Text PDF F3358

Une lettre de M. Ch. Darwin sur la vivisection. Revue Scientifique de la France et de l'étranger. Text Image PDF F3446

Darwin's oordeel over vivisectie. Album der Natuur. PDF F3359

The movements of leaves. Nature.
German: PDF F4028

[Letter to G. E. Mengozzi on design in nature]. Roma Etrusca. Text Image F1970

Inheritance. Nature.
German: Image PDF F1795b

Leaves injured at night by free radiation. Nature.
German: Text PDF F4029

The parasitic habits of Molothrus. Nature.
German: Text PDF F4005

[Letter on the expression of the eye]. Plumptre, King’s College lectures on elocution. Text Image PDF F1994

Les mouvements des plantes: Introduction de l'ouvrage. La Belgique Horticole. PDF F3353


The action of carbonate of ammonia on chlorophyll-bodies. Journal of the Linnean Society of London (Botany).Click to see illustrations
German: PDF F4019

[Letter to Emil Holub, 1882]. Ein Brief Charles Darwin's. Wiener Allgemeine Zeitung. Text F2524

On the dispersal of freshwater bivalves. Nature.
German: PDF F4008

[Letters to Julius Wiesner, 1882]. Neue Freie Presse. Text F2525

[Letter to Zacharias, 1875]. Zacharias, Darwin und die cultur-historische Bedeutung seiner Theorie vom Ursprung der Arten. Text F3422

[Letter to N. D. Doedes on Darwin's religious views, 1873]. Doedes, Darwin's Geloof aan God. De Nederlandsche Spectator. PDF F3334

[Letter to N. A. von Mengden 'Science has nothing to do with Christ']. Haeckel, Die Naturanschauung von Darwin, Goethe und Lamarck.
French: PDF F3427
German: Image PDF F2530

Mr. Darwin and revelation. Pall Mall Gazette.
French: Text F3419
German: Text F1998
Spanish: Text PDF F3360


[Letter to Doedes on Darwin's religious views, 1873]. Rutland Daily Herald.
German: Image PDF F2530


[Letters to Fritz Müller, Hermann Müller, J. V. Carus and Ernst Haeckel]. Krause, Charles Darwin und sein Verhältnis zu Deutschland. Text F4043


Über die Wege der Hummel-Männchen. Krause, Gesammelte kleinere Schriften von Charles Darwin. Text Image PDF F1584
English: Image


[Letters to W. Preyer et al]. Preyer, Briefe von Darwin. Mit Erinnerungen und Erlaeuterungen. Text Image F6


[Memorial for Quadri, 1869]. Alia memoria del Prof. Achille Quadri. Text F2288

Published manuscript transcripts

Barlow, N. ed. 1933. Charles Darwin's diary of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle.

巴尔罗 诺拉. 1958. 达尔文在贝格尔舰上的旅行日记. 周邦立译. 北京: 北京科学出版社. PDF F1566a

Barlow, N. ed. 1945. Charles Darwin and the voyage of the Beagle. Click to see illustrations

巴尔罗·诺拉. 1958. 查尔斯·达尔文在贝格尔舰上的旅行. 周邦立译. 北京: 北京科学出版社. PDF F1883g

周邦立. 1982. 达尔文年谱. 北京: 科学出版社. Chou Pang-li ed. 1982. [The chronicle of Charles Darwin's life]. Peking: Science Press. PDF F1894


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